Richard x Conor (requested)

42 1 12

Requested by: @lolabit052708

Conor was doing his daily chores, cleaning the bad like normal, there was nothing else to really do. He was beginning to feel bored, he wanted something interesting to happen.

"Can Conor please report to captain Richards office immediately." 

He heard on the loud speaker, Conor stopped doing chores and started to walk to the captains office. He opened the door to see Richard sitting at his desk, Finn wasn't there because he was on a mission with miles, Dutch, Anne, and Walten. "You called for me sir?..." he said quietly. He put some papers away and looked up at Conor, "Conor I need to discuss some important matters with you." He says with his soft yet stern voice as always. "About what exactly sir?.." he asked with worry in his voice. "You've been picking up more hours than usual, and you are exceeding overtime." He says, taking a sip from his cup, which most likely had coffee in it, before he finished his sentence. "I'm worried about you, you've been overworking yourself lately and not giving yourself enough time to sleep. Your starting to worry me, so..." he paused. "You will not be taking anymore overtime for the rest of the month.." he says quietly. "What? But the month just started sir!-" "I understand that," Richard says cutting him off "but I need you to rest..." Conor looks at the ground and starts to somewhat pout. "Conor come here..." Richard says standing up. 

Conor walks over to Richard and stands in front of him, "you know I love you right?"  Richard said putting his hand on Conor's cheek. "Yes, I know rich. I just... I want to feel like I'm doing something!.." he says putting his hand over Richards. "You are doing something darling, your doing a great job." Richard says. "How about this, whenever you finish your shift come over to my office and you can hang out with me, 'Kay?" Conor sat there as a smile appeared on his face. "Okay..." he says smiling at the thought of being with Richard, "good, I love you okay, go rest and I'll be in the room soon." Richard said giving him a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too." Conor says before leaving the office.

(Hope you guys liked this, at first I thought the ship was odd but I really like it and I think it's kinda cute, hope you guys have a good day!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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