1 - Troubles & Memory

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I have a lot of grammar errors here, I Think! Please forgive me for those!



Though The warm breeze and peaceful presence can calm down people, Alastor on the other hand has a more stressful face than any other. Sitting by the bench with his friend husk, Alastor looked so lost in his thoughts.
Then a familiar voice spoke, which startled Alastor causing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"You look so lost." Said Husk though it may sound like an insult, his tone had it's concerns towards Alastor. "I'm just thinking about what things I can do, no need to fret my good friend!" Alastor replied with a smile, not wanting his friend to bother nor get worried about 'such things'.

"You can trick anyone by lying, but you know you can't lie to me. I see through you." Husk said, glaring at the man with concern. "Ah my good pal, always seeing through everything." Alastor replied with a chuckle. "Well I was being honest. I am thinking about other things." He added while his voice got low.

"Well what things? Instead of thinking, why not find a job that can provide for you before actually fixing the damage." His friend replied. Husk had a point, though his anger caught up with him not realizing that his biggest problem was sleeping outside if he doesn't find a job soon enough.

Alastor sighed, then chuckled. "I suppose. Thank you for that My good friend." Husk nodded at his friend and was about to leave but a voice stopped him. "The thing is, I can't find a job that's suitable for me. I would have a lot of trouble doing so."

The brunette said, having troubles through his mind. "Well, me and niffty can help you find a job aye? How about that?" Husk replied, reaching his hand out to his friend. Alastor looked at him, with a thankful gaze. He nodded and took his hands.


As the days went by, alastor had his mind full about the consequences of not finding a job soon. As he walks by the street, he found a poster about a single father looking for a babysitter for his daughter. Intrigued, alastor took a closer look of the said poster.

Soon enough, alastor decided it's an okay job for him. Though alastor isn't good with kids, he had his experience taking care of children back then. And he can always use his mother's tricks, right?

After a little while of walking, The brunette found the house where the address was. He fixed himself up wanting to make a good impression to actually get the job. Taking deep breaths, alastor rang the doorbell.


No answer. Confused, alastor rang 3 more times, it went on for 3 minutes. This made the brunette so Frustrated. Alastor was about to leave until the door finally opened. The person who opened the door had a blonde hair, blue eyes that you can get lost to gazing at it for a long time, he had a lot of hair clips on his hair too..and he's seemingly..short.

The blonde looked at Alastor, scanning his looks. When the brunette was about to speak, a voice interrupted him. "Not interested on buying anything!" Said the blonde, slamming the door on Poor ol' alastor.

Alastor on the other hand got pissed, "What?- No?!- I'm here for the babysitter jo-" before finishing his sentence, the door opened. "Oh! You saw the poster?!" Said the blonde with his sparkling blue eyes. Alastor then nodded.

The blonde, seeming excited and relieved said, "Ah may you wait for a minute first? I have to do something!" He said, as he slammed the door for a second time. 'Does sleeping outside in the cold with no mattress seem bad than they actually say?..' the brunette thought, having doubts about taking the job.

Soon enough, the door opened, the blonde looked much more proper than earlier. Clearing his throat, he cleared out the door way, inviting alastor In, "You can..come in.." said the blonde nervously. Alastor followed the blonde in, admiring the house. It had a lot of decorations, but it looked really furnished and clean.

Lost at the beauty of the house, Alastor noticed a blonde haired child peeking through the doorframe near the living room. The child looked so similar to the blonde next to him, surely that's his daughter.

The blonde man then called out alastor, in which the Brunette snapped out of his thoughts, "It's a little messy but, I hope you don't mind. I'd like to question you about some important stuff before I decide if the role suits you or not." The blonde said, with a stern yet nervous look at his face.

Alastor nodded and followed the man to the living room. The blonde man Signaling Alastor to sit down and introduced himself as Lucifer, The brunette quickly followed by Introducing himself as Alastor. Afterwards, Lucifer started the questions and alastor replied to them. It went a little while longer than expected, but who can blame the man? He values his daughters safety after all.

After awhile, the question stopped and Lucifer felt relieved at The brunette's Answers. He was skeptical at first, but he will probably trust the man after some time. As the blonde was about to speak, Alastor interrupted him with a question, "I'd like to ask why do you need a babysitter for your child? I can see that you're really well off and handle your child very well., ..if you're comfortable on answering the question of course."

The question had Lucifer stunned as the brunette was right, the blonde took a deep breath and answered, "I manage well with my daughter by taking care of her myself, but there are some times where I can't be there for her due to work. When those times come, I'd usually drop her off and let her aunt take care of her. Though it might seem like it's good, her aunt is..a bit strict and has a cold demeanour."

Lucifer paused, but then also added, "That is why I wanted a babysitter for her. I don't really trust her aunt, though charlie is really close with her aunt's daughter, I sometimes see her upset or as if she's about to cry when I pick her up at her aunt's place."

Alastor listened to the mans problem. Sure the problem was reasonable but he's also bothered on this..So called 'Aunt' of the child. The tension raised, but Alastor quickly cut it off by saying, "I see. Wanting to protect your child hm? I understand that."

Lucifer looked at the man, he chuckled, "Thank you. Charlie is a bundle of sunshine, and I'd do everything to see that smile of hers." The blonde said, looking at the stairs. Soon enough, a child's laughter was heard. The blonde child, which alastor saw earlier, ran towards Lucifer, hugging her father's leg.

As the two blonde giggled and chuckle, Alastor couldn't help but smile to Lucifer and his daughter. The brunette got reminded of him and his mother back then when she was alive. Surely, it's the memory that made him smile, right?



❥ Hello! I'm so sorry if my writing and the way I wrote the store had some of you confused, I'm really just new to writing stories so my grammar and telling off the scenes are really portrayed really bad. Though the next chapter would revolve around on how alastor got himself in this situation to avoid confusion.

Also this story was just inspired by an artist on twttr, I forgot their user but I will do my research! I only based this story on the first page of the comic the artist made so, after this the story is literally just based off of my mind-

That's all, Thank you !

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