2 - Rivalry Causing Damage.

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Genuinely sorry about grammar mistakes, I promise I'm trying to improve AAAAAHHHH





After awhile of chatting with laughs and giggles, The Brunette got the job as A babysitter for Lucifer's daughter. The blonde man gave alastor the instructions and such, telling that he can start via tommorow. For a single father like Lucifer, he pays a high price for completing the job.

With a job that can provide him, some of alastors worries are fading. Though, it might seem like a good thing, The brunette still needed to fix the damage his rival caused. Brainstorming some ideas, he finds himself infront of a bar where, few of his good friends work at.

As soon as the brunette walks in, a familiar voice called out, "Alastor! Doll face!~" realizing the female voice, he looked around and saw his friend, Mimzy. "Why Hello there Mimzy!" Alastor greeted, walking towards the female.
"How ya been darling? Good? Good." Mimzy said, whilst giving good ol' alastor a hug.

"It's been awhile since you went here, how's your broadcast going along?" The female asked, gesturing alastor to the bar counter for some drinks and talks, in which, alastor gradually followed the gesture. "Some stuff are damaged, but I can guarantee that I'll be back in no time."

Alastor said, taking a seat with Mimzy at the bar. As the female was about to say something, another familiar voice spoke, "Let me guess.., the usual aye'?" Husk said, getting the brunette and the females attention. "Aww, you know it kitten~" Mimzy replied.

"Call me that one more fucken time I swear to fuck." Said husk, glaring at the female with a disgusted look. "Mhm~ good ol' little kitty having a rough day?" Mimzy replied, teasing the mascular man, which caused husk to glare at her more intensely.

"I'm sure whatever it is, you'd brush it off! Right husker?" The brunette said while chuckling, trying to piss the bartender friend of his. "I swear to fuck stop calling me these damn nicknames." Husk said annoyed, yet he was enjoying the company of the two, since well, they were right. He had a rough day.

As the three chatted and laugh, Another familiar voice of a person was heard. "Never thought I'd be seeing the friend group ova' here. How y'all doin?" Said Anthony. Another friend of alastor, though Anthony is a bit, er..sexual, Alastor did like talking to the guy.

"Oh! Oh! Alastor! Alastor!" Yelled by another female, Niffty. "Ah, Niffty and Anthony! It's a pleasure to see you two, quite the pleasure I'd say!" Alastor said, greeting the two. As the group chat and laugh, Husk Noticed alastors behavior shift.

"Boss you good? You seem like you had a good day." Husk asked to the brunette, causing the rest of the group to look at him. "Aha! Well, I've managed to land a job that pays well, so, yes, I did had good day!" Alastor said while chuckling.

"Well, now you can't worry about livin' in the streets then smiles" Anthony said, relieved for his fellow friend. "Well me and niffty thought we found a job that's suitable for you, I'm sure it's useless now." Husk said, pouring a drink for the brunette.

"I was hoping you'd find the job that we thought was suitable for you to be.., well, actually obtained by you" Niffty says, turning to alastor. "Well I do appreciate both of your efforts, truly! But I think I'm good with the job I have. Just a simple task after all."

Alastor said, assuring his two friends that he's comfortable with the job he got, and that he was thankful for their help. "Congrats on that darlin', say, how about we celebrate by dancing the night off at the dancefloor mh? For good little me sake!" Mimzy said, winking at the brunette, not in a flirtatious way.

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