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In a town called Rosewood, there were 6 girls having a pajama party. One of them was new to the group, another we would not see again, leaving 5 girls without the one who joined them.

The new girl was called Elizabeth. She had recently gone through a tragic circumstance for someone her age. None of the group knew, except Alison, who upon finding out about her, we don't know why, took pity on her and made her join the group.

Alison was the leader of the group, no one knew her secrets, but she knew them all. It is possible that this is why she ended up missing, no one is ever safe with so many hidden secrets.

On the other hand, the rest of the girls were those who had not known how to fit in at the institute, until Alison arrived and united them all, without realizing that, despite gaining popularity, they were losing their ways of being and people close to them.

They are Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily. Aria is a short, empathetic teenager who doesn't want to see anyone suffer and who loves art in all its forms. Her parents are Byron and Ella, and her brother is Mike. They seem like a happy family, but all families hide some secret. They moved to Iceland after Alison disappeared.

Instead, Spencer is tall and intelligent like no other, possibly because her family has been forcing her to be the perfect girl since she was born. She is also very protective of those she loves. Her parents are Peter and Veronica, and her sister Melissa. In the face of society they want to be the perfect family, but they are only appearances, because behind people's backs they rarely show the affection they really have for each other.

Then we have Hanna, who may seem, at times, a little silly, but, in addition to being actually quite intelligent, she has a giant heart and a great sense of humor. She currently lives with her mother, Ashley, her father left with another woman recently. She was not always popular, this has cost her losing friends and herself on the way to becoming popular.

Finally, we could say that Emily is the most athletic of the group. She seems strong, but she is very sensitive to the bad things around her. Despite everything, she knows how to recover and is supporting her friends in every decision they make. Like Hanna, she is an only child. Her parents are Pam and Wayne, a little conservative, but above all they want her daughter to be safe and protected. They will have differences, but they will always end up overcoming it together.

The four of them will have a hard time accepting Elizabeth into her group, but once they accept her into it, they will never be able to leave her aside again. They will always have a great union, neither can live without the other.

Welcome to Pretty Little Liars!


Hi, I am the author of this story, I hope you give it a chance and you can enjoy the rest of the story. The character of Elizabeth to me has the look of Jenna Ortega. All the best. Kisses.

ELIZABETH JACOB - PRETTY LITTLE LIARSWhere stories live. Discover now