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Just as Spencer leaves, I hear my grandmother say, "Come here right now, Elizabeth." She seemed quite angry. I go quickly to the kitchen, because I know that the later it will be the worse.

''Grandma, I'm so sorry, she just came to do a job. We didn't mess anything up, we were just in my room,'' I say, avoiding her gaze.

''First of all, look me in the eyes when we talk. We have already talked about its hundreds of times. Second, it's not just that you brought someone without my permission, you also haven't left dinner or the rest of the things I asked you ready,'' she says violently. Every time she gets closer to me.

''You already know that I let you stay in my house, because otherwise it would make you look bad in front of many people, but if you continue not obeying me, I will seriously consider sending you away from here,'' she says and after a brief pause she returns to her anger, ' 'You are the worst granddaughter I could have had. I wish you had ended up like your bastard mother''. After this I just explode.

''How dare you say that? Don't you have even a bit of soul left? I just didn't make dinner and brought a classmate, and you think you have the right to say those things to me? You know what? Yes, I wish I had died with my family and not have to put up with you!'' I say with all the hatred and pain that I have accumulated inside me.

Just then, she comes up to me and slaps me.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again, do you hear me?!" Go to your room right now and don't even dare talk to me these days! You already know everything you must do so that things don't get worse for you!'' After this I run out to my room, holding my cheek with my hand. It hurt me quite a bit.

My grandmother was not like most grandmothers. She was only 57 years old, since she had given birth to my mother when she was 18 and my mother had given birth to me when she was 24 years old. So, she was still quite energetic and strong.

I knew that tomorrow I would wake up with a swollen and very red cheek, but I would fix it with makeup, I didn't want anyone to know anything.

I look at the photo of my mother, Elizabeth, we had the same name, missing her deeply today. I miss her so much.

I went to sleep imagining a world where my family was alive and perfect, and I had people who truly loved me.


The next morning at the Hastings house....

I had stayed up all night thinking about Elizabeth's grandmother's behavior. In addition to lying to others about her, it seems as if she was just an employee to her, she didn't seem to be exactly friendly. The house was huge and yet Elizabeth's room was tiny.

I felt bad for not giving her a chance from the beginning. I could have helped her feel more comfortable in this town and had more company with her, because, apparently, due to her grandmother's attitude, she had no one to talk to or just hang out with.

I get ready quickly and go down to have breakfast. Today, rarely, my parents are there, lately I noticed them trying to be more familiar.

''Good morning darling. How did you sleep?" my mother says just when I get to the kitchen.

"Not very well, I've been thinking about something all night," I say, not knowing exactly whether to tell them or not.

''Wow, has something happened to you these days at school? "I could talk to the director, if necessary," says my father. They can be a little distant at times because work consumes them and they have been raised to be prefects, but I notice that they are trying harder and harder to leave that behind. Also, lately with everything that has happened with Alison, I notice they are quite protective. They have even stopped comparing me to Melissa, which is already a relief.

ELIZABETH JACOB - PRETTY LITTLE LIARSWhere stories live. Discover now