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I get out of bed with a thousand emotions in my body. On the one hand, I was very happy to have found out who Elizabeth was, despite the circumstances. However, everything good about that night had been ruined when Melissa's fiancé, Wren, came over and my sister caught us kissing. I don't feel like going down to breakfast and meeting my family, but I have no other choice.

''Good morning,'' I say once I get to the kitchen where the three of them are having breakfast. The look my sister gives me is hellish and my parents seem to hold back a little, but they look disappointed.

''It will be a good morning for you,'' Melissa tells me bluntly. My parents say good morning little one. Before I sit down to eat, Melissa leaves the kitchen.

''I'm sorry, I...,'' I say to my parents, but I don't know exactly what to tell them.

''Honey, we're not happy with what happened, but it's not entirely your fault either. He is much older than you and he shouldn't have even considered it. Your sister will end up getting it but give her a little time. When you see that she is calmer, try to talk to her,'' my mother tells me. I can't believe that for once she is supporting me too and, on top of that, my father seems to agree with her. Lately they don't stop surprising me.

''Thanks Mom. I'm going to leave since I'm meeting Elizabeth to go somewhere with the other girls,'' I tell them hurriedly. We should already be going with the other girls to the shed.

"Oh, that's great, I'm glad you're spending time with Elizabeth now. I think she needs people to trust more than ever. We have to try to get her to open up to us little by little. I owe it to her mother," my father tells me melancholy.

''Don't worry, dad. From now on we don't plan to leave her alone. We are a team,'' I tell them before going to look for Elizabeth.

I her I'm heading towards Elizabeth's house. I was hoping I wouldn't have to see her grandmother's face, but when I knock on her door she appears with a fake smile.

''Hello, Spencer, what are you doing here?'' she tells me with that fake smile.

''I'm coming to look for Elizabeth. We have agreed to go somewhere. Would you mind calling her, Mr. Hale? Please,'' I also say with my best fake smile. She wouldn't be the only one.

While I wait at the door, I see how Mrs. Hale calls Elizabeth. When she comes down, she has bigger bags under her eyes than mine. She says goodbye to her grandmother with what seems like a brief argument and comes running to the door. She would surely want to free herself from her grandmother quickly.


I quickly walk away from my grandmother and go to where Spencer is. I refuse to have any arguments with my grandmother today. I slept badly after A's message last night. Plus, I've had nightmares about the accident again, sure I had to remember everything again.

''Good morning, sorry you had to meet my grandmother alone,'' I say, a little ashamed of my grandmother's attitude. She then she says that I embarrass her.

''It doesn't matter, with me she puts on a fake smile and that's it. She can't look bad in front of a Hastings. I'm more sorry for you that you have to put up with it every day,'' Spencer tells me. She is very right. It's unbearable to have to see her every day. University come to me.

''Well, let's go to my car to go to the forest, we're a little late now. Do you think so?'' Just when Spencer tells me that, I am paralyzed.

"What's wrong with you? Any problem?" Spencer asks me worried.

ELIZABETH JACOB - PRETTY LITTLE LIARSWhere stories live. Discover now