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I shake my head. Of course, the one guy that's my age knows. He doesn't know shit about me. I take a step back, as I knew I didn't want to buy the motorcycle anymore?

"What's wrong, princess? You don't want this sweet baby?" He hits it again, grinning up at me.


"How the hell do you know me?" I move my head to look up due to his height. I'd say he averaged at about 6'7.

"What, does nobody here know such a pretty face like you?" He smirks, and let's out a chuckle.

I turn around, walking away, I'm going back to the palace. I knew he was going to be hard on me, so I don't feel like I'll have enough time to buy the motorcycle, and at the same time, deal with his bullshit.

"See you soon, love." He calls out.

See me soon?

Pff, I doubt it. That's the last I'm going to that place. He's probably a net hiring, I've been there before, never saw him. What a bitch. I feel bad for the owner of that shop. Guess he doesn't look into who he's hiring.


I make my way back to side of the palace, grabbing onto the lowest branch. I pull myself up onto it, grabbing another. This tree was basically like the monkey bars. It was a huge Fringe tree. My favorite. The only reason it's my favorite is because it's the tree I can sneak out on. Although most trees don't have as many open branches as this one. So my Fringe tree is special, very special. Been there through my sneak outs since day 1. Which was when I turned 18. When I was able to at least ride a motorcycle. Ever since then I snuck out, not very princess like of me. But mama and papa don't have to know.

I go through my window, shutting it behind me, sighing of relief as I see that my pillow trick worked. Same place I left it, covers weren't moved.

I walk over to my bed, turning on the light above it, as I see a small box laying on it.


I go to read the paper that was taped on it. Oh no. Did somebody catch me?

The box wrote:
Howards palace
Amira Howard
"A little gift for you, as I'm assuming you'd need it."

Uhm. Who was this from? There wasn't even a name on it. The box was dark, dark red. Our palace color, significantly my color that I wear everywhere. It had a white bow on top, and it had a white fancy texture to it. So it's a gift, I'm assuming.

I open the box, untying the fancy bow. My jaw dropped open once I saw what was inside.

50,000 cash, exactly. I took the cash, examining it. It was totally real. What the fuck?

Who could've given this to me? Especially because only Mia, mama, and Alexandra knew about this cash.

My hands shook as I put the money back in the box, shutting it. I pushed the box under my bed, as I sit on top of my bed to process what happened.

After I wished for 50,000. I get 50,000? What do I have? A stalker? I mean, I wasn't going to put the money to waste.

It's a gift! I'll just tell my mama I found a ton in my savings! She doesn't have to know. Plus, even if it wasn't for anything, I wouldn't tell her. This is too fucking big. The whole palace will be shut on lockdown by papa. He doesn't joke around with this type of stuff. It could be a stalker. Although, if the stalker did give me 50k when I needed it, what's so bad? I dont See the problem here.

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