12 ||the princess is back!

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Growing up, my family was probably the worst thing that I ever experienced.

Losing a parent who you thought you loved, is the real and only pain in life.

My mom. All she ever cared about was for sleeping with other men. Not caring about her child because the only reason she had me was to hide the fact she was 'playing' as she stated it, with other guys that weren't my father.

And my father. He changed after that.

He only cares about finding somebody he loves, which Id be happy for him, but he totally forgot he had a son.

'You might have a new mom' or 'I think you'll really like her.' Is all he says.

But I don't want a new mom. I want a loving father. A father who can forget the past and move on, and life his life with his kid.

But he's too blind to see that.

Whatever girl he brings home next, I'll just make her not want to stay. Like I did with the others.


My phone rings, coming from a random number. Most likely a house phone.

I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Aiden!" I hear a familiar voice.



"I'm at.." she stops for a minute, as i hear background noise. "703 Baker street."

"K." Was all I said before hanging up the phone.

I heard her voice Mutter as she was about to say something, but I couldn't care less.

I hop on my motorcycle, speeding up to the area.

London isn't the biggest. I've pretty much explored every inch and part of this place. I know every Spot just within the top of my head.

Amira on the other hand, didn't grow up here. The palace was only built when she was around 9.

I've only studied.. me knowing has nothing to do with her.

She was born in Spain. Though her parents taught her Spanish, they taught her mainly English as well.

I'm not sure why she moved. She shouldn't have, but it's whatever.

I pull up at a fully planted house. Like the person was obsessed with plants or some shit.

Weird as fuck.

I walk to the front, knocking on the door, it swings open in less than a second.

Amira jumps up and hugs me tightly. I don't wrap my arms around her, as I was taken by surprise.

She definitely realized what she was doing as she immediately pulled away.

Behind her were 2 men. Well, a man and a boy.

They looked at me like I was a fool.

I grew up here, still, if a random person shows up at somebody's door, you expect them to be royal. I mean, it's odd we have a palace, so I get it.

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