Chapter 17: The Trainers From Another World!

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(Note from UltimateGoomba: "Hey, so I need to clarify some context on which version of who is talking since there's now two Ash Ketchums and three Lillie Aethers now. For this, the Ash from Ash's Story will be referred to as 'AS-Ash', the Ash from this story will be referred to as 'RBB-Ash', and the Lillie from this story will be 'Lillie-Vee', Lillie from Ash's Story will be referred as 'AS-Lillie'. The void trio was already given names last time.")

(Note from Ray Chiu: When UltimateGoomba and I discussed the stories, he seemed to be interested in Ash's Story where I made an original part of Ash and Lillie jumping from dimension to dimension so that they would be able to go home. So we decided to put it into this chapter)

Minami and Trenor were staring at each other, shocked to see another version of Ash and Lillie appear with a Lunala at their side. They quickly rushed over, as Goh's family noticed this as well and went to check up on everything.

"Okay, so this seems like the outside of the Sevestar League stadium, but it feels slightly off like this isn't our world still..." AS-Lillie sighed, "How many times have we failed to get back home again?"

"Not sure, but Lunala is too exhausted to do this until tomorrow at least."  AS-Ash sighed, "Let's just hope this version of me isn't in trouble here." The two noticed Trenor, Minami, and Goh looking at them with concern.

"You two alright?" Goh questioned as he offers his hand to help the two up, "You two seem a long way from home, is that right?"

"Yeah, we've been trying to get home for the past month." AS-Ash sighed, "Hey Goh, Trenor, Minami."

"Okay he at least recognizes who we are." Trenor sighed, "Although you should conceal your identities, both of you, it's a bit sketchy to be out in the open for you two." AS-Ash and AS-Lillie groaned and used Aura to change their looks temporarily until they got to a safer place, as Minami and Trenor chose to get the other world duo to the suite they're staying at.

"Alright, my family is in here, they might be able to help you out." Trenor stated, using his key card to get inside, "Here we are." AS-Ash and AS-Lillie looked inside, and noticed an older version of Ash, Serena, Golly, Mark, and Delia inside, noticing them. Chase and Sarah were in the bedroom playing with Insey.

"So, you must have a lot of questions..." AS-Lillie sighed, "Not the first time we had to-."

"Let me guess? You two are from another world?" Golly guessed, as the two teens were instantly shocked, "I met an alternate world version of you two before, don't worry. Although, the fact you don't have Pikachu or Snowy concerns me." Pikachu nodded as he was a bit worried.

"Pikachu's with my girlfriend Alice, and Snowy probably hasn't even been born yet in our world." AS-Ash explained, "At least we don't have to explain that dimension hopping thing."

"So you're me from another dimension.." RBB-Ash slightly gasped, "And girlfriend with our friend Alice in that universe too, hopefully she's doing alright."

(Note from Ray Chiu: If you don't know, Alice Urup is actually my OC that I used a lot in my stories. She is the daughter of Valerie and Wulfric and she likes Ice Types.)

(Note from UltimateGoomba: "Essentially, Ray's OC Alice, does exists this story's AU, I just haven't implemented her into the story.")

"Yeah, recently we've been meeting alternate world versions of ourselves while trying to get to our home dimension." AS-Lillie explained, "We've mostly been staying with alternate versions of Ash each time Lunala needs to recover. But that's enough about us, could you explain why we had to conceal ourselves until we got in here?" The family looks at each other, as Delia summoned this newspaper from 15 years ago.

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