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                    The Washington Reign

                           Hello , Political City Darlings ! A little birdie flying about this very beige suited little village of the bland and the powerful told me , your Sir KnowsALot , that that tasty Wheeled Avenger Trevor Talbot may be trading his Amani suits for a new black dress. Think he will put pearls with it , ladies and gentlemen ? Apparently the equally tasty President Brandon is nominating this disabled openly gay Wonder Boy to the US Supreme Court to replace Justice Flynn who has been asleep the past five years anyway. Methinks this nomination process is going to be a rollercoaster ride for Little Trev. The mean side of Senate has already come out swinging on FAUX News saying they will fight this nomination tooth and nail. Trevvie , take some advice from your boy here : Watch your Gucci shoed step and be very careful what you do right now because , darling boy , they coming for you with vicious claws out ! Especially lgbtqa hater Congressman Marcus Reese who has already stated that " Trevor Talbot will NEVER see the hallowed halls of Supreme" . This is a fight I will be watching eagerly. Will you ? 

Also in tragic city news THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD. Yasss , Abby Steele has breathed her last and people all over the city are currently dancing in the streets. Especially her daughter Abby Lite , Carrie Reese Dawson , who reportedly is already planning her Mumsy's long awaited funeral at the National Cathedral. And another little birdie saw Abby The Awful's son River The Dense exiting MPD police headquarters in the company of none other than Trevor Talbot. Lil baby boy River is so obviously a suspect in his hideous Mommy's murder since he found her indecently naked body. River , when you get to jail , don't drop the soap. Unless that's your thing , boo boo bear. 


                      White House

President Walker Brandon tossed down the Washington Reign newspaper  on the enormous polished mahogany desk and shook his head. He hoped his choice was sound choosing Talbot. On paper the man was the perfect choice. He was a top ranked graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School. He was a successful criminal defense lawyer with an exceptional winning record. He was a constitutional law professor at American University. He was also boring as hell with a spotless scandal free life. All the man did was work. And , the president mused as he picked up a marble paperweight and balanced it in his big broad suntanned hands , he was gay , open and proud of it. A first for his administration and one destined to keep the local LGBTQA community on his side. Talbot could shake up a few things at the Supreme if he passed through Senate and didn't find a way to fuck it all up. 

His vice president , Todd Danvers , turned from the large  window he had been staring coldly out of at the long great emerald green White House front lawn and glared at the man he hated with all his being. Every night he prayed for another Dallas when it came to Walker Brandon. Todd retorted , " Do you really think this nomination is a wise one , Mr. President ? Talbot is too young , too untried in politics and too homosexual. He is also connected to a news media person Robert Gonzales. This is a major powder keg just waiting to explode on us all. I would advise you to take it back. "

Walker sighed heavily as his fingers massaged the paperweight. He so wanted to crash it on his Veep's head. He hated this man whose presence in his administration had been solely to deliver the religious nuts to his side. Otherwise the president would never tolerate the likes of him. He had no idea why the public thought they were some bromance. He laughed inwardly. " I stand by my nomination. Give it up , Danvers. Trevor Talbot will be the new flavor of the month. With the gay support we will ride easily into a second term. Call a win a win. "

Todd thinned his lips. " It is not a win yet. Marcus Reese is already gathering support on Capitol Hill against this ...... man. Speaking of Capitol Hill , we need to start addressing this Steele situation and that damn book of hers. I knew that woman would eventually come to a bad end. But that book could bring us all down. Every one of us including you. I know you're in , Walker. Even your charming wife doesn't know all your sins and secrets , does she ? What do you think the voters will think when they find out what their leaders really do on Capitol Hill ? If that damn book comes out it will make the Clinton scandal look like a Baptist Church picnic ! " 

Walker swallowed harshly.  His blue eyes with their greyish green glints glimmered coldly at the smug man. " That book probably doesn't even exist , " he shot out but there was a hint of hesitance to his voice even as he spoke the words. " Abby Steele just talked big. Anyway I heard the police have their eyes on the son. River Steele. He always was unstable. He probably snapped and killed her. I can understand if he did. The woman was repulsive. "

Todd agreed with him. To a point. " That doesn't change the fact that the book is still dangerous. As long as it exists it is dangerous , Walker. I wonder if the son has it. He was in the house. What if he has that book ? " 

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