Bridged apart☆

36 1 2

The group are leaving the Dark Cacao kingdom in hope of finding guidance to this plague.

Honestly, this chapter was borning to write but I hope you enjoyed it

Special thanks to ArklynVanilla and Bubbles

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

When Affogato woke up he was greeted with the sight of snow and Dark Cacao's heavy footsteps. The mage pushed himself up, immediately regretting it. As soon as the king knew he had awoken the mage was thrown off his shoulder, being carelessly dropped into the snow.

Affogato glared at him, rubbing his side. "Get up." The king demanded. "We still have lights out." He kept walking, leaving the mage behind.

Caramel walked towards him with slight worry on her face. "You look like crap." She commented, holding his staff.

"Fuck you, I look amazing," He scoffed.

"Uh huh...whatever you say," Caramel chuckled softly, sticking out her hand. "Now, grab my hand."

"I am fine on my own."

"Yeah, that's what you said before blacking out for 6 hours straight."

"6 hours? It couldn't be that long." Affogato looks at the sky, noticing the sun slowly plunging behind the trees.

"Yeah, it probably could have been less if it wasn't for our majesty dragging you across the snow for hours." She chuckled a bit. "But in the end, I convinced our king to carry you."


Affogato attempted to stand up but his legs shook. "You good? Do you need me to carry you? You seem very light." The wizard only glared at her. She let her last chuckles drip out her mouth before regaining her composure. "Okay, but seriously though. Do you need me to help you?"

"How many times must I say it? I am fine, I am not some weakling!" Affogato barked, scowling at her once more.

She shrugged and sighed. "Whatever you say." The watcher handed him his staff which he snatched, grasping it tightly as a feeling of nausea surged through him. "Now come on, we still have some walking to do." Caramel turned her back to the mage and started making her way forward, carrying her blades in hand.

Affogato followed slowly behind, wincing in pain every time he lifted his feet off of the ground. Witch, that curse killed his energy. His muscles were tense and his head slightly ached but he would never admit that.

The wizard already seemed like a weak fool after passing out for most of the day. He really was pathetic! Affogato looked behind him, checking every once in a while to make sure he wasn't being followed. This epidemic has been horrible for his health. But as much as he tried denying it, he had been struggling.

It was as if the Witches of this world caused such a tragedy just to make him miserable. To make him live through such nightmarish events again. A nightmare filled with dirty memories of the past he tried to bury deep inside of him.

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