1 - New person

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Clyde had always been a loud and obnoxious kid, but his friends didn't seem to mind. Sure, they sometimes yelled at him to shut up or calm down, but that didn't stop him.

Right now, he was walking to his locker with Craig. His best friend ever since kindergarten, was the one person he could rely on for comfort and support. The two of them always got into mischief with each other, sharing a dorm didn't seem to help with that either. There was this one time when they started battling each other with vacuum cleaners.. at 4 in the morning. 

"How is it like to be gay?" Clyde asked, looking up at Craig. He glanced back down at Clyde, letting out a playful sigh.

"You would know, wouldn't you?" He replied in his normal raspy and monotone voice. Clyde stuck his tongue out at him as they arrived at their lockers. He leaned against his locker, still rambling and talking about anything that entered his mind as Craig rummaged through his locker. He clung his hand onto one of the straps on his tote bag as he spoke. A bunch of chuckles and playful punches were thrown at each other. The hallway was full of laughter and chatter as the first bell rung, signaling for the kids to start heading to their first class of the day.

The two of them started walking to their first class, which was physics. Clyde had never been good at math, but he had a decent grade in that class. On the other hand, Craig was good at math and excelled at that class.. like majority of his classes. Clyde sometimes wishes he could be like that, smart and funny. Well he wasn't extremely stupid, more on the average side. But he also liked himself the way he was.

A bell rung, signaling for kids to start heading to their first class. The hallway was full of chattering and kids shuffling to their class. Clyde liked to glance and look around at the other people in the hall, he already knew majority of them. But it was still a little thing he enjoyed doing. Nothing or nobody new today.

The two boys arrived at their class, on time thankfully. Clyde rushed over to an open seat by the window, while Craig walked over to a seat behind Clyde. The teacher sat up and started doing her usual lecture, writing things on the chalkboard for the kids to take notes on. Like usual, Clyde tuned out the teacher to get lost in his own thoughts. Recently, he's been thinking about senior prom, and how he didn't have a date yet. Bebe and him broke up a bit ago, which he still had to get over. But that's besides the point. Who's a cute girl he could take to the prom?

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Craig, who was basically punching his shoulder.

"Dude, pay attention." Craig spoke in a hushed voice.

"I am! Trust." Clyde replied, turning his head back at Craig and sticking his tongue out. Craig rolled his eyes and went back to listening to the teacher. What a nerd. Clyde thought, turning his head back to the front.

The rest of class was pretty boring. Nothing eventful or even fun happened, but yet again it's physics. What did he expect? As the bell rang, all the kids stood up and started packing their bags and walking out back to their next classes. Clyde's next class was english, which he excelled at. Jimmy also had that class with him so it made things a lot better! The two boys waved bye to each other before heading to their second class. Clyde walked by himself through the busy hallway, not paying attention to his surroundings. Suddenly someone ran into him, knocking him down to the ground. He let out a small shriek as he hit the floor with a thud. He looked at the person in front of him slightly dazed from the suddenly knock down.

"Oh- oh shoot-! I'm sorry!" A voice spoke. Clyde stared at the boy in front of him and stood up immediately. He smiled and extended his arm out to the boy.

"No worries dude. It happens." He said, trying to sound friendly. Clyde had never seen this kid around the campus.. or maybe he had just never noticed him? The boy grabbed Clyde's hand and pulled himself up. The boy's face was tinted with a slight red, probably from embarrassment. Clyde's smile dropped as he tilted his head to the side. A curious look grows on his face as he examines the boy. Brown wavy hair, Emerald green eyes, freckles, glasses, tongue stuck out, and he has a lisp.

"I've never seen you on campus.. who are you?" Clyde asked, still examining the boy.

"Oh- uhm.. my name's Scott. You're.. Clyde right?" He replied, his lisp piercing through his speech. Clyde straightened his neck as a smile appeared on his face once again.

"Yep! That's me! How did you know?" Clyde asked.

"You're on the varsity for football."

"Oh yeah, I am!" Clyde said with a small giggle. Scott smiled a little, adjusting his glasses. Clyde glanced up at one of the clocks and let out a small gasp.

"OH SHIT-! I'm gonna be late for English-! See you.. uhhm.. Scott!" He said loudly, running across the building to his next class.


A/N: Guys idk how college works 😭😭 (Sorry if my writing is bad, I haven't wrote like this in a while)

A/N: ignore the update gang I wanted to fix soem thinsg

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