🎟️🔞Subspace x Reader

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wowie!! long smut chapter!!


It was an ordinary day back in Blackrock. Snowstorms, cloudy skies, obvious cold weather, just the usual.

Within the labs, Subspace was experimenting on one unfortunate Biograft, which layed on the table, only ever so slightly looking at Subspace.

Subspace frowned when he didn't find what he wanted.. Perhaps he needed to go to someone to find what he wanted.. But to who?

He though, before getting a brilliant idea: Visiting (Y/N)! Yes! Why didn't he think of this before?

He grabbed his keykard, leaving the Biograft on the table (eventually went to sleep mode), and rushing for the elevator.

He got to (Y/N)'s section of the lab and knocked on the door. "One moment!" He heard (Y/N)' s words, sort of muffled because of the closed door.

Two minutes later, (Y/N) opened the door. "Oh! Hi Subspace!"

"Hello (Y/N). I was um,,, I was wondering if you had any extra acid and um, some dish soap.."

"I've got enough of both. You can take some if you need it, I'll show you where the acid is. And I assume you know where the bathroom is. There's an extra dish soap bottle under the sink, in the cabinet." (Y/N) said as they moved a box across their lab, placing it on a table. Subspace nodded and followed (Y/N) to where the acid was.

After getting what he wanted, Subspace simply observed (Y/N). He liked how they worked with stuff.

Subspace eventually zoned out while observing (Y/N)'s work.

(Y/N) noticed thta Subspace was looking. They attempted to bring Subspace back to reality by calling out his name a few times. He eventually did snap back to the present.

"Oh.. um... I'll go back to my lab... uhh.... yeah bye!!" Subspace skiddadles awkwardly.

When he got back to his part of the labs, he went to the corner room, the break room. Each lab on each floor had one. He closed the door, not locking it. He breathed heavily.

Why was he feeling like this..? So... excited... so... horny...

No! He pushed away the thought. He was supposed to be serious about this! But the way (Y/N) spoke... The way they looked. Everything about (Y/N) was heaven to Subspace.

Subspace unclipped his gas mask, and sat on the couch, still breathing heavily. He noticed the bulge in his pants, begging for his attention. It's been a while since he had done anything like this.

He hesitated, but couldn't hold back any longer. He unzipped his pants and lowered his underwear, just enough to let his aching dick out.

He touched himself, whining at how sensible he had become over time. He took this slowly, rubbing and stroking himself. Subspace would let out a few moans and whimpers.

Little did he know...

(Y/N) knocked on Subspace's lab door... No answer. (Y/N) tried to see if it was open, yep. Subspace never locks his doors. (Y/N) looked around the empty lab, but noticed some noises coming from the break room. (Y/N) approached the break room and opened the door.

Everything just froze as (Y/N) saw Subspace... with his dick out?! Subspace blushed, embarrassed as he covered himself with his arms.

(Y/N) stepped in and quietly closed the door, locking it. Subspace just stared at (Y/N). "I- I'm sorry you had to witness any of this-" Subspace was cut off by (Y/N) approaching him.

(Y/N) spoke in a soft tone. "No, no. Its fine. I can help." They sat next to Subspace, gently moving his arms away to see his aching dick.

(Y/N) bent over sligthtly, and began rubbing his cock.

"Mhh~ Fuck~" Subspace whimpered.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Sensitive much?" They teased him.

After a while, (Y/N) stopped. But only for a brief moment, as they soon began sucking on Subspace's dick. Subspace let out a surprised moan.

"Ahh!~ Fu- Fuck~ (Y/N) you dont have to suck me off!~" Subspace gripped the couch. It all felt so good for him. It felt like heaven!

It didn't take much for Subspace to cum. He huffed. (Y/N) swallowed as much as they could, and wiped away the rest.

"T-Thank you, (Y/N)." Subspace breathed heavily, still a bit dizzy from the orgasm that he just had.

"No problem." (Y/N) just sat next to him.

They both spent the night together afterwards, chit-chatting.

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