The Traitor: The Story of Waterlily the Nun, The Second News Article

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N E R O S I A ' S   E Y E 

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N E R O S I A ' S   E Y E 



This is an update on the story of the altercation between Birrough's Best's owners and partners. One of Birrough's Best's partners allowed us to interview him as he was one of the active protester against the unjust payment they have been receiving throughout the months. He requested to go by the name Leo.

According to Leo, at 7 am this morning, the paperboy finished his delivery to the farms in the area. Around 7:30, the nearby farms heard screaming from Birrough's Best's farm. No sooner than that, Marigold reportedly left their home in a hurry while clutching her head. She took their coach's reins and sped in the direction of Hoxwell. Birroughnians claim that they tried to talk to her but she would not respond nor look at them. Those who got close say that there was "a terrible bruise on her right temple" and that "she was crying but would not let others see." They say that they offered to take her in first, "or at least, let us attend to her bruise", but she would not respond as if no one was around. All the Birroughnians who were nearby agree that her "terrible husband" has gone insane and that "she will no doubt take her little Liliana away from her vile father."

Leo described the situation after that as "a calm before the storm." Birroughnians all claim that it was "suspiciously quiet" after Marigold left town, as if no one was at home in Birrough's Best's farm. At around 2:30 pm, Leo said that he talked with the other partners of Birrough's Best, "I was beginning to think, maybe this is it. Maybe he realized his mistake; how dreadful this all's been, you know. I talked to them, and they felt the same. We agreed we were gonna talk to him at 7 pm. If all goes well, we can all have a dinner together, like the old times."


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