Poppy Contract: First Night

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I wake up still to the smell of smoke from the stainless bin where I burned my plan after organizing it. I tried to dampen the smell with soap on the floor while running the shower before I took my nap. It wasn't enough. So, I take my cigarette props, light it, and throw it in the bin. I hate cigarettes and their smell, but it will be easier to explain than a burned paper. Vices aren't prohibited in this place anyway; what would a syndicate base get from prohibiting the vices they want people to worship? I stretch my body to shake off the sleepiness from my nap and open the door of my room to start my plan.

I keep my head down as I walk through the yard, "reflecting". Such a low structure yet it houses many people. I notice that the doors of the rooms are evenly spaced, so I can assume that the layout of each room is more or less the same. Except if there are occupants, they might change the layout and add or remove something.

I move closer to the greeneries and observe that the plants in the yard are not the usual house plants or garden plants one would have. Poppies, cannabis, hm? Decorative.

The decorative statues, too, I doubt are just regular decorative statue. I pace towards one and observe it.

"Knight Azure?" I stop before I reach the statue and turn.

"Good evening, Mother Heidi."

"Did you rest well?" She smiled.

"Surprisingly, I did."

"I smell cigarette from your room, though. Are you sure you're not troubled?" I hear the amused undertone from her feigned concern.

I put up an embarrassed smile, "I wasn't able to rest immediately because of my nerves and all. I had a stick before I slept. Guess I wasn't able to put it out properly." I look away and said, "Sorry."

Mother Heidi flashed a big smile, "That's alright! As long as you rested well."

"Thank you," I smile a tired smile.

"Will you join us for dinner?"

"Yes, if that's alright. I'm rather hungry."

"Good! Good!" She walks to me, puts a hand on my back, and guides me towards the dining area. "I hope you like the food here," she cheerfully says, "I made sure to ask the chef to make it extra good today!"

"Oh, thank you, Mother Heidi." I give her a gentle smile.

The dining area is on the same side of the entrance. The stairs on the right side of the entrance door lead underground where the smell of good food comes from.

"That smells good," I comment.

"Wonderful!" Mother Heidi exclaims.

When we enter the dining hall, Mother Heidi smiles and walks toward the lone huge table nearest the food counter.

"Mother Heidi," I call before she can get too far away. I hesitate and say, "May I join you for dinner? I don't really know anyone here."

"Oh, dear. I'd love to but I have to discuss some things with the other administrators here. But you can find some people, one or two, in your situation in that table right there." She smiles as she points to a table at the left-most side of the room.

I nod and head to that table. Am I being too pushy? Was that too obvious? I think back and conclude that it is fine as long as I do not suck up anymore tonight. She's the one who approached and invited me anyway.

"May I sit here?" I ask the man already seated on that table with half eaten food on his tray.

"Yeah, sure." He gestures to the seat on his left.

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