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How could she do this to me? I trusted her with my life, and she repaid that trust by lying to me and putting me in danger. I thought we had something real, something special. But it was all a lie. She was playing me from the start. I don't understand why she did it. Was it just to further her own agenda, or was there something more to it? I thought she was different from the others. I thought she actually cared about me and about us. But I guess I was wrong.

What else has she lied about? What other secrets is she keeping from me? I thought we had a connection, a bond. But it was all just a facade. I'm not going to let her betrayal destroy me. I'm going to use it as fuel to take down the organization and make her pay for what she's done.

But while deep in thought, he hadn't noticed when she had come close to him, and when she wanted to touch him, he shifted away from her, like she was an acid. Hurt and understanding were shown on her face, as she felt bad about what she had done and, at the same time, she did deserve it.

Lucas, I know that I hurt, but you know, one time, I never lied about my sincere feelings for you. I can't stay away from you or change the fact that fifteen years of being with you were based on mere lies.

Then, what? I barked at her. You know it was based on mere lies, and when were you planning on telling me the whole fucking truth? I loved you, and I still love you, but I really don't know the woman that I am in love with or married to.

Is your name really Jennifer, I looked at her with a hardened expression. I know that I shouldn't have done that to her, but I am hurt right now. I was such a fool to even think that I was with a woman who I just found out a few weeks ago that she was destined to kill me.

Why didn't you tell me, Jennifer Red? I yelled at her. All those years, you couldn't tell me. Tell me why, woman. I growled.

Because I was so scared, dammit, she cried out. My father warned me to kill you if I ever said a word to you, and despite how much I loved you, I couldn't imagine a life without you.

You should have said something but not been silent until this resulted in your being hospitalized, and now no one is safe. For fucking sake, why didn't you trust me, your husband? If you claimed to love me,.

I can't seem to look at you the same way, as all I see is a woman who betrayed me and lied to me. You know what? We are going to leave this house until we sort out the issues bothering us, and after that, I don't want to ever see you again.

Got that. I looked at her and spoke to her with a tone laced with hatred and malice. I wish that I never loved you, and now I don't think that I will find another woman like you.

First thing tomorrow morning, my lawyers will be available, and you will need to sign the divorce papers, but don't worry. You will be allowed to see the kids, but I won't tell them why we separated.

I am calling it a day, and I want to know if you want the bed, as I wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch, as I can't sleep with a woman that I don't know.

Lucas, I am sorry; she kept crying. But I just couldn't bear to see her cry as my heart broke and each tear shed hurt me. I knew that what I said hurt both of us, but I couldn't seem to hold it back, as I shouldn't have poured my anger at her.

As she kept crying, I walked away and went to the basement until late at night. I knew that she was fast asleep. Before laying on the couch and telling myself that I messed up big time and I shouldn't have spoken to her no matter what she did,.

Lucas, I told myself. You were such an ass to have hurt her. What the hell was wrong with me before forcing myself to sleep without her beside me for the first time?

The next morning, Lucas's face twisted in a scowl, his eyes blazing with anger. His voice cracked as he spoke, revealing the hurt beneath. He rubbed his temples, a gesture of guilt and frustration. He knew he had to take responsibility for his actions and apologize to Jennifer for lashing out at her. But first, he needed to start the divorce proceedings.

He picked up his phone and called his lawyer, explaining the situation and asking him to draw up the necessary papers. His lawyer advised him to be careful and consider the implications of his actions, but Lucas was resolute.

After the call, Lucas took a deep breath and went upstairs to the bedroom. Jennifer was still asleep, and he couldn't bear to wake her up. Instead, he left a note on the bedside table:

"Jennifer, I'm sorry for lashing out at you last night. I know I hurt you, and for that, I'm truly sorry. I need some time to process everything, and I think it's best if we go our separate ways. My lawyer will be in touch with you soon to discuss the divorce. Please know that I'll always care for you and the kids, and I'll do my best to make this transition as smooth as possible."

With that, Lucas left the house, feeling a sense of sadness and regret.

Later that day, Jennifer received a call from Lucas's lawyer, explaining the divorce proceedings and the arrangements for custody and visitation rights. Jennifer was devastated but understood that she had brought this upon herself.

As the days went by, Lucas and Jennifer went through the motions of divorce, their interactions limited to discussions about the kids and practical arrangements. Lucas's apology had eased the tension slightly, but the wound was still raw, and forgiveness would take time.

As Lucas and Jennifer finalize the divorce proceedings, they receive a mysterious message: "You may have separated, but you'll never be free from the organization's grasp."

Suddenly, the lights flickered, and the room was shrouded in darkness, the shadows cast by the flickering candles dancing on the walls like sinister spirits. The air was heavy with the scent of decay, and the silence was oppressive, making Lucas's skin crawl. When they come back on, Lucas and Jennifer find themselves face-to-face with a group of masked figures, their eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity.

"You see, Lucas and Jennifer," one of the figures begins, "you may have thought you could escape, but you're still pawns in our game. And now, it's time to play by our rules." With that, the figures move in, surrounding Lucas and Jennifer.

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