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On Sunday, Remus makes it to breakfast in surprisingly good condition. 

It was one of those rare Transformations that come and go quietly, his body no more scarred by the end of it than it was before the Full Moon. Even then, the deep ache in his bones makes him acutely aware of his whole body and all of its movements, and his skin stings wherever his clothes rub against it. But the smell of food pervading the Great Hall makes him hungry instead of nauseated as it usually would, and he finds himself smiling when he spots Lily sat at their usual table, reading a book as her cup of tea lies untouched and possibly unforgotten in front of her.

"Good morning," Remus greets as he sits down in front of her. 

She starts, the book jerking along with her, but her face quickly blooms into a grin when she sees it's him. "Re," she grabs his hands and squeezes them. Remus doesn't miss the way her eyes quickly scan them for any new cuts. "I didn't think you'd be able to come back so soon,"

"Neither did I," Remus squeezes her hands back before she lets him go.

"Well, I'm not complaining," Lily smiles. 

"Have you eaten?" Remus asks as he helps himself to some bacon and eggs.

"Yeah," Lily nods, pushing her book away so that she can lean her elbows on the table. 

"How was yesterday without me?" Remus asks. "Hogsmeade any fun?"

"I third-wheeled with Marlene and Dorcas," Lily rolls her eyes, "but they were actually nice. They bought me Butterbeer and made sure I wasn't lonely," 

"That's sweet of them," Remus comments. 

"Yeah," Lily sighs, tugging at a strand of hair that's come loose from her braid.

"What is it?" Remus asks gently, setting his fork down. 

"Nothing," Lily shakes her head. But then she looks up and sighs again, "It's just... James and Auguste looked pretty close," 

Remus raises his eyebrows.

"Not that it matters to me, obviously," Lily laughs shakily. "I guess I thought he wouldn't move on so quick," 

"I don't think they're close like that," Remus tells her. "In fact, I think it's the opposite," 

"Well, June says she saw them holding hands, and I don't know," 

"It's the twenty-first century, Lily," Remus laughs, patting her hand. "Besides, I've seen Sirius practically draped over him, and James was pretty clear they were just friends,"

"I don't know," Lily sighs. "I mean I'm not gonna get together with him, so it shouldn't be a problem, but..." 

"But you like him and it stings to see him with someone else," Remus finishes for her.

Lily gives him a look of such total misery that he pets her hand once more. "Wanna work on MacGonagall's essay with me?" He offers.

"God," Lily groans, "I'd forgotten all about it," 

"Hey," Remus perks up. "Any updates on the attacks?" 

"There are no new ones, if that's what you're asking about," Lily replies. "Maybe Sirius finally realised it's too risky. I have a feeling he knows we're on to him, and that's finally made him stop."


As it turns out, she couldn't have been more wrong, because the very next day, while they're patrolling the third floor, they receive summons from Meredith and Peter. 

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