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In the periphery of his mind, Remus is vaguely aware that he's going to miss his lessons, but he's far more concerned with talking to Sirius. As he follows Regulus into the Dungeons, the sound of their footsteps against the paved stones filling the empty corridors, he tries to think of what he'll say. Hey, I have a feeling you're not a bloodthirsty maniac so I came to see if you would confirm that for me seems hardly adequate for the occasion. 

The Slytherin Common Room is almost deserted as they enter. The golden snakes on the green murals seem alive as the emerald firelight plays across them, and in the perpetual underwater darkness, the gold stars on the ceiling shimmer like specks of glitter. Through the tall, arched, and majestic windows, the Black Lake can be seen swirling black and green. The room smells like coffee and perfume, and unlike Remus was expecting, it's warm and perfectly cosy. 

"Sirius is probably in his room," Regulus says softly, ignoring the looks they receive from the few students occupying the hall. 

"Okay," Remus whispers back. 

Quietly, they make their way into the far end of the room, where a flight of green-carpeted stairs winds upwards like a snake. Regulus turns around to make sure Remus is following him before making his way up. The landing leads them to a perpendicular corridor, and they take a right into the boys' dormitory. The corridors are lit with green torches, and framed drawings of the moon and the constellations are hung on the walls. They turn a few more times and descend another flight of stairs before eventually, they halt in front of a door. 

"Well," Regulus shoves his hands in his pockets. "Want me to come in or..." 

"Uhm," Remus shifts his books from one hand to the other. "I think I'll go on my own," 

"Okay," Regulus nods. "Good luck. I'll wait for you in the Common Room." 

Remus watches him disappear along the corridor before turning back to the door. His heart is racing in his chest, its pulse echoing in his throat. With a shaky breath, he raises his hand and knocks on the door.

A faint sound that only vaguely resembles 'come in' can be heard, so Remus gently twists the doorknob. He steps into the room, closing the door behind him. The blast of air that hits him freezes him to his very core, and he almost takes a step back. The room is cloaked in darkness, and Remus can barely make out what's in front of him. As his eyes adjust to the lack of light, he can make out the shape of two beds to his right, and two large windows without curtains to his left. Hesitant, he steps forward, squinting as if it'll make him see better.

He holds back a startled gasp when his eyes land on a dark, humanoid silhouette seated on the far bed, its edges blending into the shadows. 

"It's me," he says softly, his feet suddenly frozen. 

"What do you want?" Sirius' words are hurled at him with all the force of a knife throw. 

"I..." Remus swallows, "I just wanted to talk to you," 

"A confession, is that what you want? Okay," Sirius laughs, and Remus can make out his shadowy form throw its head back. "I did it. I did it all, now will you fuck off?" 

Remus shakes his head, taking a step closer. "I know you didn't," he says. "I know it wasn't you. I just need to—" 

"You know? Really?" Sirius laughs again, and the sound is so harsh, his voice so scratchy, that it makes Remus flinch. "And how is that?" 

"I just know it," Remus says softly, venturing closer until he's stood in front of Sirius. This close, he can finally see Sirius' eyes, so dark and empty like hollow vaults. 

"Do you now?" Sirius stands up, throwing the covers off of his legs. He's suddenly so close that Remus can smell him everywhere, that sweet, flowery perfume almost overwhelming. Remus can hear Sirius' breathing, rapid and erratic, and if it weren't for the dark, he's certain he could count Sirius' eyelashes one by one.  

"You saved my life," Remus whispers.

Sirius scoffs. "Rest assured, it was out of no love for you," he hisses. "I only wanted to spare myself the misery of having to report your demise to that old fool Dumbledore, and all the blame that would fall on me because surely, it must have been I who killed you. Do you really think I care what happens to a pathetic Half-blood like you?"

His words drip with such bitter venom, but they don't burn Remus. 

"I know you're not as horrible a person as you make yourself out to be," he replies.

Sirius laughs at this. "Oh, bless you." His dark eyes are wide and glossy as they bore into Remus'. "And you know this because you spent two nights with me in the Forest, do you?" He places his icy hands on Remus' chest and gives him a hard shove towards the door. "Get out of here, Lupin," 

"No," Remus shakes his head.

"Don't make a bigger fool out of yourself than you already have," Sirius says lowly, pushing him again. Remus grabs his wrist. "Let go of me," Sirius snarls, trying to tug himself loose, but Remus doesn't let him. 

"I don't care what you say to me," he says, "I just want the truth," 

"And I don't owe it to you," Sirius hisses, finally breaking free. "Get the hell out of my room, or Salazar help me, I'll kill you and myself," 

Remus shudders. Sirius' eyes are so wild, his breathing so uneven. 


"I said, get out!" 

Some black object comes hurling out of the darkness, whizzing so close by Remus' ear that he can feel the wind on his skin. A fraction of a second later, the sound of shattering glass pierces the room. Remus takes a step back.

"That's right," Sirius hisses. "Leave. And don't ever come back again." 

A blast of wind hits Remus in his chest, and he finds himself hurtling backwards, all the way out of the now open door until he crashes into the wall outside of it. He holds in a cry as his back hits the stone, the dull ache already permeating his bones giving way to a wave of pain so intense it feels electric. The books in his hands scatter all over the floor, unfortunate victims of collateral damage.

And before he can even look up, the door slams shut with a loud bang, concealing Sirius from his view.

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