you're beautiful.

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Jimin pov

i didn't know finding someone as simple as taehyung described is difficult enough, moreover for me huh
I was in a park sitting on a bench thinking about the efforts I've made to find a person, i don't think I'll find someone today let's leave it for tomorrow i thought as I walked around the streets when my eyes caught a group of girls, they seem to be from another university
I smirk walking towards them.. but I guess it's a bad idea they surrounded me and bombarded with questions

"What's your name young boy"
"Do you live somewhere here"
"Are you single"

It was all so awkward for some reason maybe because I'm in public, I was in the midst of these troubles when my eyes darted towards a girl passing without giving a shit to us and that's when I knew she's that someone

Phew i somehow got released and made my way towards her, i caught her moves and now walking beside her, she had earphones on maybe that's why she didn't notice

"Um hii?" I tried to catch her attention when she looked at me removing her earphones out of her ear


"Well, you see I need your help"
"I think you got the wrong person" she said putting her earphones back when i stopped her catching her attention one more time

"No,no only you can help me" she stopped at her tracks facing me

"And how?" She asked crossing her hands on her chest seems annoyed "i don't even know you"

"Oh I'm jimin, now you know me" I said with my most famous smile plastered on my lips well it doesn't work on her as she seemed getting pissed now

"Ok ok don't look at me like that" I said with an awkward smile God why it's tough

"What do you want?" she asked
"Well actually I need someone as a client for.. uh you know, can we talk somewhere else?" I asked with rubbing my hand at my neck


"Yes, so I was saying one of my friend and me made a robot and just wanted a human interaction to see it's behaviour and yk how does it work with people... So I was thinking if you could help us?" I saw her eyes widened and i remembered tae words find someone who isn't into robotics and don't have much knowledge about it

"And why do you think only I can help you with that?"

"Because you don't give a shit about me" I said "I mean you're the only girl in my entire life who showed no interest in me" a slight laughter escaped my mouth "it only means... You're perfect for this"

"What if it harms me? I mean you want to test it on me?" she asked, waiting for the answer

"No, as i said we've already tested all of its features and works we just need a human interaction for final verification, it won't harm you I swear" I said before asking
"Do you live alone?" I asked taking a sip of my warm coffee, she seems shocked and before she can assume something wrong I said again "I mean you seemed tense when u asked if it harms you that's why" I asked sighing in relief I have to convince her for this offer

"Making something like a robot requires much knowledge and hardwork.. you guys must be genius" she said straightening her posture "you don't seemed to go to our uni, I've never seen you here, where do you study?"

"Seoul High" she widened her eyes cute "and yes I'm a genius" I said showing off a little

"Well, what's your major tho if you don't mind"

"Literature and yours? I means it seems you're into science and stuffs" a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth when I heard her saying literature and quickly replaced with a grin

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