"Why ya gotta be gone for so longgg thoughhh." Notti whined as he followed nana around the room. She was going back and forth from the closet, the bathroom, the laundry room, just to make SURE she didn't forget anything.
"It's not that longgg E. It's only a week." She replied before remembering her Dove bar soap.
"It's literally seven days mami. That's like...two weeks.." Ethan plopped down on the bed face down and just laid there. Janelle was getting ready to go to Mexico with the girls for a mini vacation and Notti was nottt feelin it. He already knew it was finna be hella niggas tryna get at her and flirt with her shit and that made his blood BOIL.
Plus the way Nana acted on Mariah's live? Had Notti's stomach turning for what was to come when they were away in Cabo.
"I know but baby we gotta liveee. All those times you would be going to shows and shit, I would be at home. I'm still young, I gotta live my life baby. I'll be back before you know it." Nana said as she tucked her soap into her duffel bag.