Flower 19 - Unto battle and Cornelia made her choice

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3rd POV

Now we can see a secret Mobilization of both of Tekkadan and the UNJ's JSDF's Force along with the Glinda Knight's helping them up on the mobilization while Cornelia saw this she start grab one of Tekkadan Member

Cornelia:What's going on?

Tekkadan member:I can't tell you outload ma'am to prevent leakage but

Now the Tekkadan member gives her a message it was on a letter as she saw this she knows what must be done as she lets go of the Member and her second in command goes to her, it was Guilford

Guilford:Your Highness we got some reports of activity from both Tekkadan and Black Knights that they are moving

Cornelia:I know and I think the mainland has the responds on this

She starts to show the letter to Guilford and he was starting to read the letter as he was paled on this

Guildford:Is really true Your Highness not some fake intel

Cornelia:Not that's not call false Guildford and beside...

Cornelia looks at the skyes as she saw a few helis passing them by in a formation right now and they are heading towards the Dome right now

Cornelia:From what I have gather before all of this I read some intel that there are some Fleets of ours are moving out from the DMZ to here as well from the mainlands making alot of Mobile suits for now we have to make sure Euphe is safe right now

Guildford:Yes, Your Highness

Back on the dome we can see the civilians are evaluating carefully right now and heading to the shelters while Britannia Military is starting to move out to escort Schneizel el Britannia out while for Euhpimnia she is escorted out on the Blackhawks of Tekkdan with some of the Britannian's VTOL Gunship as well

Blackhawk Pilot:Command maiden is in the hawks! I repeat the maiden is in the hawks!

HQ UNJ:Roger that and escort her of there

Blackhawk Pilot:I copy

Now the Blackhawks and the Britannian's VTOL Gunship started to take off and go to the safe zone right now while for the military side they are reading for the battle as Cornelia's men started to sided with her since they got some intel they have betrayed them while for Schneizel he was feeling that peace will go there but he was happy abit that his father send out Project Titan and an invasion force right now as for the nobles they left Area 11 right now and going to ether the Mainland or Euro Britannian

As they still start to make the defense of the Kyushu area with the planes, Mobile suits, Armor vehicle, Knightmare are readying and going to the position with the helping hand on the defected Britanninas, UNJ's JSDF and Tekkadan as well the Black Knights since Zero was back on the HQ of their fire Base.

While for (Y/N) as he was on the HQ with Cornelia and Tohdou as they are commanding alot of positions and all of that as the plan was started on as for (Y/N) he was thinking on something.


(Y/N):You want to give Area 11 back to the UNJ

Schneizel: Yes since I know my father will make something large mission or something like that

(Y/N) was abit of shock right now since now he was pulling abit of a move from McGillis right now but for now he will deal with this later

(Y/N):So you do have some plans to negotiate about Area 11, former Japan, am I right

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