1.01 - Bella

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Island of HellAct 1 - Paradise Island

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Island of Hell
Act 1 - Paradise Island

KICKED FROM THE AIRBNB? Check. Little brother being babysat? Check.

While her sister checked out another aisle, Bella Barnes averted her eyes to the small, rent-out activities to do in Kauai - especially while her parents had some 'alone time'. The very thought made her gag.

Bella and her sister, Athene Barnes, were in a store trying to figure out what to do in the time they had before their parents would come get them.

Friday Barnes and Ian Barnes-Wainscott were probably the most influential people living in Australia. With both being Interpol agents and both doing homicide cases, they were pretty well-known detectives. And for one of their cases, they went to Kauai, and had decided to take their three kids - Bella, Athene and Jasper - for a vacation when they got the chance.

They were three days in when they had basically kicked the kids out to have the day to themselves. As Jasper, who was ten, was too young to be by himself, he was being babysat while the twins figured out something to do.

"Hey Bells," Athene called. Bella turned to see her holding some snorkelling gear. "What about this?"

"Those are being rented," a worker told the girls. Bella and Athene nodded.

"Hey, he good?" Bella nudged her sister and gestured to a brunette, who was shaking as he looked around. Athene frowned and took her sister over.

"I'm sorry sir, are you alright?" The older twin asked in worry.

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