Chapter 4

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Cinder felt overwhelmed with worry, she left her new council in charge. They all had shown their respect and loyalty, she made sure that they treated shells equally and that there we're some shells in the council. Even though she probably had the best council Luna has ever known, she still had anxiety. To distract herself she decided to look up some hawaiian, she saw an image of a big man with a ukulele, the caption said "Hawaiian song" Cinder was curious so she decided to watch it, the man started to play the ukulele, an image of a rainbow started to show and the man started singing "oooooh oooohoh ooh somewhere over the rainbow" Cinder was really starting to like the song. It was a song from the second era. She decided to download the song and add it to her playlist.
"Now boarding aisles 7,8, and 9"
Cinder spent a while looking and downloading Hawaiian words.
"Now boarding aisles 25, 26, and 27. The crew sat in all of those aisles, except for Cress and Thorne, they sat in aisle 28. But it wouldn't matter. The crew got their stuff and walked over to the line. They were behind several people, Cinder noticed a drop of sweat go down Wolf's back, Scarlet must have noticed how tense Wolf was, she kissed his cheek and told her that it will be okay.
He didn't seemed relieved.
"Have a nice trip" the intercom lady gave a slight now and smiled at Cinder and Kai. The plane had a large interior. Two seats on each side and for seats in the middle.
Cinder hated this part about traveling in a plane, Cinder hasn't traveled many times on a plane, but every time she did, she always managed to hit someone in the face with her bag. "Row 25" She accidentally hit a middle aged man with her back pack when she was putting her bag up in the carry on cabinet. She apologized, then took her seat, Cress turned back to Cinder, "excited?!"
"Cinder, don't worry, we're going to have a nice relaxing plane ride" Kai tried to comfort Cinder
"Tell that to breathy back there" Cinder pointed her thumb at Wolf, breathing loudly threw his nose. Kai turned back, "Wolf, don't worry, we're going to have a nice relaxing plane ride."
"Easy for you to say, if something happens, you won't go berserk trying to rip people's throats out of their neck" Wolf shut Kai up. Cinder could hear Scarlet's soothing words.
"Uh Cress, you didn't mention that I would be sitting in the middle of plane! Next to strangers!" Iko said not so quietly.
Jacin could hear Iko four seats down. He felt bad for whoever was sitting next to Iko. Jacin saw a screen on the back of Wolf and Scarlet's seats. Jacin imagined him trying to calm down Wolf if he was to go berserk. He hit a button that said entertainment on his screen. There were lots of choices, games, music, movies, net dramas, all kinds of things. Maybe he could buy a movie for him and Winter to watch, there was a little scanner at the bottom of the screen.
"Welcome aboard Hawaiian Airlines flight 143, we will be landing in Honolulu at about six o'clock Hawaiian time, three o'clock Los Angeles time." Six hours, great. Jacin thought.
"We will be taking flight in a few minutes, please take a moment and watch the flight attendants as they give a quick teaching on how to stay safe, during an emergency."
There was lady a few seats ahead of Jacin and Winter, she held up a seat belt, like the one Jacin was strapped into. "I bet they don't teach how to maintain a wolf hybrid" he whispered to Winter, she giggled a little bit then shoved him, "He will be fine!"
Wolf couldn't focus, he should have picked up some Benadryl, he could sleep through the flight, or watch a movie with Scarlet, maybe that would keep away the thoughts of drowning in the ocean or not being able to save Scarlet, he lost her once, and there was no way in hell that he would lose her again. He felt the plane start to move as the flight attendants walked to the front.
"Scarlet, when we get up in the air, do you want to watch a movie?"
"I'd like that Wolf"
The plane moved onto the runway, he was beginning to think that maybe it will all be okay, the plane sat, the went fast. It went faster and faster until he could feel it moving upward, he began to panic a little bit, he looks across Scarlet, looked out the window, the Los Angeles airport was getting smaller and smaller, he could see all of Los Angeles. Wolf kind of just sat there, gazing at the beauty and awe of it all. He couldn't believe that he was actually flying, like this. Of course he had been in the rampion, and had been fine. But this, this was different and he couldn't tell how. The roaring of the plane was loud, but he looked at Scarlet and if she was bothered by the roaring, she didn't show it.
"Please help yourself to drinks the flight attendants are passing out, we will have the alcohol cart out in a few moments, also you can check out movies and games on the screen I front of you. You can also get up and walk around, and turn on your electronics." Wolf looked out the window, he saw in between clouds, a vast blue land. The ocean, he thought.
Wolf laid back in his seat, then took it all in, reached out his senses and listened to pilots words, they didn't say much, or maybe Wolf couldn't hear them well over the roaring of the plane. He smelled a man, he smelled anxiety off of a man that sat near Iko, it was strong. It was a smell that wasn't anxiety about the plane, but anxiety of something else, Wolf smelled a weird object with him. Just then, the man stood up and started yelling.

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