Ten [END]

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They continued to linger the following evening, as you spilled your heart out to Angel Dust at the bar, your face in your hands as you recalled verbatim. He sipped from his glass of alcohol, lips set in thought as he listened intently.

Out of everyone in the hotel, you didn't know why you went to Angel for advice, especially in dealing with romance, but you told him everything nonetheless. About going to live with Lucifer, all the help he's been to you thus far, and the encounter with him earlier. You even gave him a brief glimpse into the... physical intimacy the two of you also had shared earlier.

"I think ya should do it," Angel Dust said after a few moments of silence, downing the remaining liquor in his glass, before turning to you. You lifted your head from your hands, you met his gaze with surprise written across your features.


"Yeah," he nodded, placing one hand supportively on your shoulder as he continued, "Now I ain't tryna be mean to ya, but... the hotel was a great place for you before the baby, but with our track record with keeping this place from being attacked by thugs and angels, it mayyy not be so good for the actual baby. Ya get me?"

You took a sip of the water in front of you, nodding slowly as the answer you had been searching for finally settled on your shoulders. You turned to face the spider demon, your lips curving into a small frown and he tilted his head at you.

"I'm really going to miss you guys," you murmured, rubbing your hands together self-soothing.

"Oh, you're gonna make me cry, toots! C'mere!," Angel Dust wrapped all four arms around you, and you returned the embrace with a tight grip.

And wow, his fuzz was soft. You finally understood the appeal as you held your friend close. Even though in retrospect you had only known the porn star for a short amount of time, the bond you shared was heartwarming and kind. One of the few relationships of Angel's that didn't devolve into debauchery and drugs.

Two hours later, you stood in front of Charlie, hands once again rubbing together in an attempt to soothe the nerves that were making it difficult to hold eye contact with the princess as you filled her in on the decision regarding your future. You planned to move into the manor, and raise the baby in a place that most resembled a home, instead of growing up in a hotel room.

"You're going to go live with my dad?" She asked slowly, her brows furrowed at your words.

You tensed. Was she apprehensive of the idea?

"Yes, but it's nothing crazy like I'm getting with your dad or anything... haha.. yeah," you trailed off, because you were feeling like that may turn out to be untrue sooner than later.

At least, you hoped they did. For now, it was just something along the lines of roommates, even with how silly that sounded in your head.

"Well..." She began, rubbing her chin in thought, and sweat beaded down your forehead as she continued, "I think... it's a wonderful idea! I really enjoyed growing up there, and I'm sure your daughter would too!"

Phew. You exhaled a sigh of relief, the tension leaving your body and your shoulders relaxed.

With Charlie's blessing, it was all you needed to give Lucifer the news. He practically jumped for joy as you gave him your answer, his eyes lit with excitement as he began making arrangements

"I have to baby-proof the whole place beforehand!" he had proclaimed, racing around the makeshift room he had been staying in the past few days as he grabbed his cane.

"She won't even be able to crawl for a while longer," you had laughed with a raised brow.

"I can't afford anything less than perfect," Lucifer shook his head, grabbing his coat and hat to get everything ready as soon as possible, "Don't worry, I've got the power of creation, remember? It'll only be a jiffy."

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