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"....Yamada? "

Akito looked up, blinking. He glanced at the restaurant behind her before opening the door, still a little confused.

" You're here too. "

" Yeah..." she looked away, " the freshers party...our seniors said we must join.."

He nods, " Let's go in, then. "

They walk in, Sasaki Eita waved him over but gasped as soon as he saw L/n Y/n trailing after him. Before Akito could warn him to shut up, Eita springs up.

" Y/n!! What a surprise?! We're in the same department as well?"

" Yes. " she nods quietly, taking a seat by the wall and leaving only space for Akito, who is on the other side Eita.

" Cool! I thought it was a coincidence we met at the orientation! " Eita beamed, " But this must be fate! "

" Wah, you guys went to high school together? "

One of their classmates mused and Eita nodded furiously.

" That's right! "

" Then you must know each other quite well. "

" Eh? We weren't friends back then! " Eita smiled, " But I'm sure it will be more fun since we have people we know around. Isn't that right? "

Y/n nods slowly, " Yes. "

Akito watched as more of his new classmates joined and the seniors who threw the party joined too. Food and drinks were passed around, he was exhausted by the time an hour passed.

" I'll be back.." Eita excused himself to the bathroom, Akito nodded. He had just decided to ask Eita if he could leave...but he guessed it had to wait.

" Thank you, senior. But I don't drink. "

" Just one glass, come on! " The guy grinned, pushing the glass of beer towards Y/n, who looked quite stressed at the sudden pressure and attention on her.

" No, I don't-"

" Don't be a jerk! Leave her be. "

" Hey, come on now! I'm just trying to include her because she's gloomy and ruining the mood! " The guy defended himself, " And you're of age already! What do you mean you don't drink? Pfft..."

" I-I don't like alcohol so..."

" There's no way that's true. " The guy scooted closer,

" Here, I'll help you-"


Y/n blinks as she watches Akito snatch the beer glass from the senior's hand and gulp it down. " There, I finished it in her stead. You should leave her alone now, senior. "

" Tch. "

There's tense silence until the senior leaves to smoke, Y/n sighs shakily. " T-Thanks. "

" No problem.." Akito mumbled, looking at his food, " He was being annoying. "

He glanced at her occasionally for the next fifteen minutes, realizing that Eita isn't coming back.

' Did he seriously use the bathroom as an excuse to leave? Ugh! Something must have come up with Runa again...or he'd at least text. '

He glanced at Y/n, before looking at the rest. All of them seemed pretty drunk, so he stood up. " Do you want me to walk you home? "

" Uh..." She stood up too, looking at the others for a brief second before nodding slowly.." It's quite far from yours..." she trailed off, " I'll just take the train. "

" I'm heading in the same direction. "

Without arguing further, he faced the door, ready to leave. When he hears her quiet footsteps, he nods to himself.

The first time he had seen her was in his second year of high school. She was a new transfer from abroad and within just a few weeks, she had gotten the reputation of being cold and unapproachable.

Not that he judged, he respected the fact that she liked her peace rather than mingling with a crowd just to please people. But he hadn't really had an opportunity to approach her or talk.

The only time he had talked to her was during high school graduation.

" Three, two, one....click! "

Akito looked around, wondering where his mother had disappeared with Eita's mother. She rarely visits him and today was his graduation, but now she was probably off somewhere much quieter. Like he'd prefer.

He sighed, making his way towards the stairs as he clutched on the bouquet, his eyes falling on the figure who sat by the corner, not visible to others.

He frowned, class pictures would soon be taken. What was she doing there?

"...but mom...it's my graduation

He approached her as he saw the sullen look on her face as if she's just been hung up on. She stares at her phone screen with a crestfallen look before sighing.

He looked at the bouquet before taking out a rose from it.

" Congratulations on your graduation. "

She jumped, looking at him before carefully taking the rose, " T-Thanks. Congratulations to you too, Yamada. "

He nods, looking away awkwardly. " Are you going to the class dinner later? "

" I can't. I have a part-time job. "

" I see. Then, goodbye. "

" Bye. "

He turned on his heels, relieved that no one had seen him approach a girl and give her a rose on top of that. It was strange of him to do that, but he felt off seeing her sad on the day of her graduation.

'What's done is done. It's not like I'll see her again....'

But then, he had thought he briefly caught sight of her during the orientation and assumed he was just seeing things, until Eita had said he saw her too.

And now, it turns out they're in the same department. He blinked as he felt a tug on his sleeve, freezing. " Yeah? "

" We're here. Which train are you taking? "

" I usually go to Lane 3. "

" Oh. " She glanced at the purple train, " Me too. "

He got in after her, leaning against the side as the train started to move, glancing at her fidgeting in her place. He looked around, sighing as there's no empty seats.

" Stand here, it's much safer. "

" N-No, it's fine. I can manage-"

" There's too many people. " he mumbled, pushing off but only landing back with a thud as the train lurched, a wave of people moved in his direction knocking Y/n into him.

He feels the way they both freeze the moment Y/n's bumps into him, her body completely leaning on him as he hits the closed doors of the train.

He blinked, blood rushing up to his neck as he glanced at her. " Are you okay? "

Why was his body feeling weird? It was such a strange reaction to a small accident. He brushed it off as she nodded and pulled away, mumbling a sorry with equally red cheeks.

He moved her successfully this time, glancing at the board. " I get off at *** station. "

"....same. "



𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞; 𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨Where stories live. Discover now