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(Nothing special happening, just a Lil date with Akaza)

YOU....CAN WALK IN THE SUN..?" Akaza asked, his whole body covered in a thin sheet of blanket as his pink hair poked out from the small tiny hole to look at his other demon companion, quite literally bathing in the sun as she got ready for school.

No, she didn't tell Aizawa anything, nor was she required's not like he'd kick her out if she sneaked someone in behind his back. "Obviously." She replied, easily putting on her eyeliner with just two strikes. She blinked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes shifting to the side to look at the pink mop of hair.

"Not going to leave?" She asks, walking to Akaza and pulling gently on his strand of hair. "GTFO." Akaza glared. "Wow, where did you learn that?"

Aizawa suddenly bursts in. "Listen kid, if you're gonna make me late you're just giving me another excuse to skip wor—" Aizawa narrows his eyes at the marked demon in the shadows. "What did I say about asking for permission when you—" "shush." Y/n trails off.

"Me and Akaza-dono were speaking, it's rude to cut others off." She says, Closing one of her eyes as she tilted her head to the side. Aizawa sighs. "Whatever, be outside by 5 minutes."

She chuckles, staring back at Akaza who narrowed his eyes. "Who was that."

"It's my "caretaker", if you will. Aizawa Shouta." She responds, holding her hand out with a cheeky grin. "So, what do you say? If you burn, your sins shall weigh you back to hell, and if you don't, then you get a chance to live again."

Akaza slaps her hand away, stepping in, to the sun. Akaza half expected to see his burning figure, and half expected not to burn too, so he wasn't that surprised. "So this is what the sun feels like.." He whispers, looking at its godly glow.

"Zawa, I'm skipping class!" She yelled from her window, pulling Akaza to her closet.

As soon as she got Akaza to dress, they both embark in a small adventure through the city, hand in hand (Alaza reluctant to hold hers, but she would always cut his head off if he refused.)

Y/n leads him to the carnival, where there weren't many people since it was still weekdays, but the stalls were open and offered alot of food. "Oh look, corn dogs." She pulls Akaza towards the stall, pulling out Aizawa's wallet and paying.

"Cone on, try it!" She smiles. Akaza stares for a moment biting down on the crispy outer flesh of the hot dog. It crunches under his fangs, and he chews for a little. "Is it good?" Y/n tilts her head. "Yeah." Akaza breaths out, his eyes sparkling brightly. Y/n stares at him with a small smile.

"Let's go there!" She pulls him to a stall that seemed to be about collecting as much fish as you can. Y/n and Akaza went up against eachother, and they were able to fill up their buckets with goldfish. "Oh my, where are we going to store these?" She asks, staring at her huge pack of fishes, then looking at Akaza's bigger pack.

"....didn't they say if we flushed it, it would go back to the ocean or something?"

That's how they ended up in the house again, pouring the gold fish in the toilets. "Alright! Bye bye fishies!" Y/n smiles menacingly, flushing and watching the fishes dissapear.
"..They're going to die.." y/n states, looking at Akaza.

"Couldn't you have told me that sooner!?" Akaza irks, pulling on her hair. "Nuh uh! You seemed so passionate when you said that!" She argues back, kicking his face.

They both lay down in the couch, staring at the ceiling. "So uh, what now?" She asks, staring at nothing. "...this world is boring." Akaza replies. Y/n looks at the electric guitar in the corner, huffing slightly. "Not really. It's just not my thing." She says, flipping to lay on her stomach.

"...are there still slayers out there?" Akaza asks, leaning on his palm. "Nope. They all died."


A warm silence engulfs them. Y/n stared at Akaza, who seemed to be spacing out. "I remember everything now." Akaza suddenly says.

"When I was human.."

Y/n sits back down, knees in her chest. "I do too." She replies, twirling her hair between her fingers. " uh.."

Fucking hell, I don't wanna open up to this emotionless psychopath! Akaza screams in his mind. "..wanna talk about it?" He suddenly blurts out. "..I dunno.." y/n sighs.

I don't really feel any agony when I think about my past— it's like.. it just happened so there's no moping around.. "you?" Y/n asks the man beside her. "..well..I uses to have a really—..a really bad life, now that I look back to it." Akaza starts.

Am I actually gonna have an heart to heart with this sucker? Hell, if that weirdo even has a heart! Akaza was freaking out inside.

"My father was ill, and I had to steal to get by." Akaza stares at the lines on his body. "These lines were like punishment for the bad stuff I did." Y/n stares at him.

He and me have completely opposite upbringings. "My father..died and I was taken in by a guy. A met this girl, and they both were murdered. I got super mad and in the middle of my massacre I met Muzan-sama."

Y/n smiles, completely confused on how she should be feeling. "Uh, get well I guess." "Fuck you."

"Well...I had a much better off life I guess, I don't really care." Y/n crosses her legs. "I've been worshipped alot for my unique eyes." Akaza nods, he always found y/n's e/c colored eyes odd, something about them was so alluring and intoxicating.

"Everybody thinks I can talk to God or something." "..they sound like idiots."

"I know." Y/n smiles, Akaza looks at her. Her smiles are never genuine..always faked and plastic, I wonder why..

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Aizawa steps in, dropping to the floor and rolling to his room. "Chinese takeout in the fridge, heat it up." Aizawa says, before closing his room.

Y/n smiles, setting the plates for the three of them and heating up the food.

"Wait, you go to school?" Akaza suddenly asks.

"Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure they're gonna get you in there next." Y/n snickers.

𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇 (𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞) BNHA X READERWhere stories live. Discover now