Rockies day out

425 6 8

A/N - written on the way 2 school, so yh.
Gonna hold even more sillies and be longer bc outdoor air does smth to me.
Anyways, ENJOYYY

Tism Team

Earth: im hungey

Venus: then eat
Venus: dumb bitvh

Mars: is there even anything to eat?

Earth: no.

Mercury: im sneaking out 2 go 2 mcdonalds, wanna come?


Mercury: the onlt burger king by our skl is the one that teachers go to

Earth: srsly?

Mercury: yh

Earth: .
Earth: where do i meet you?

Mercury: uranus' classroom, 5-A

Earth: A?! TF IS THAT?!

Venus: thats in building 3, right?

Mercury: yh
Mercury: reason y is bc Uranus is gonna shiw me where to sneak out

Earth: hes a bad kid?

Mars: i thought he was mr perfect

Venus: no uranus has smrh wronn with him deffo

X: i ised to sneak out with Uranus

Earth: ?!

Mars: WTF?!

Venus: ?!

Mercury: hiw?! Theres only 11 ppl in thw gc?!

X: sh sh sh
X: i js wanna talk :(

Mercury: .

Earth: u said u used to sneak out wirh uranus

Mars: what was it like?

X: stressful, he doesnt know the way to mcdonalds.

Mercury: rlly?

X: yh, its sad tbh

Venus: so

X: he knows his way 2 the art store and back

Mars: but not mcd's?!

X: yep

Mercury: How?!

X: idfk

Venus: what time @Mercury ??

Mercury: 10 minutes

Venus: seeyou there

Venus is offline.

Mars: can i join?

Mercury: .
Mercury: ffs, why not.

Earth: rockies on a roadtrip!!

X: wish u guys luck in finding mcdonalds

Earth: ty mystery person

X: 👍

System has deleted 10 messages.

Earth: ???

Mercury: dfk

Earth: respectfully
Earth: .
Earth: fuck I cant say it bc of mcdonalds
Earth: 🖕🖕🖕

Mercury: L

Earth: .

Mars: die.

Mars is offline.

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