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Mr Ketcha mansion......

The number you have dialed currently bussy please call later ....

"Arghhh..., this little why is not picking up call , it's been a quit long time no news what is going on there.


"A man rushed to his leader, out of breath, and exclaimed, 'Boss Mac is nowhere to be found!'

The leader's face turned red with anger, and he slapped the man, almost yelling, 'Useless!'

However, he quickly composed himself, looked around cautiously, and continued in a hushed tone, 'I gave you a simple task, but you're all so incompetent that you can't even keep track of one person.'

The man trembled, 'B-boss, I managed to get him to drink the spiked beverage, but he suddenly excused himself to go outside. Sun and I followed him, but he vanished into thin air! I asked Sun to search for him and bring him to the party while I came to inform you.'"

"Informing what ha, your uselessness , the old hag is calling me again and again , now what am I supposed to say to her the said while gritting his teeth."

His subordinates lower his head with anxiety .

Exact that time the leader phone ring again as he wide his eye's open , look look bastard old hag is calling again ."

Then His leader keep his hand on his hair not understanding what to do then yelled to his subordinates go go find him and bring him back to party , as the subordinates take his leave after getting order the leader cursed "fuck and changing his voice I'm sweet tonr pick up the " hello madam ."

"Hey you bastard where did go to die ha ।... Why are you not answering call other side if the called yelled ."

"Ha ha ha (fake laugh ) ahh madam actually...

"Let's forget it , tell me did you done your work or not , it's been hours no answer from you , go and send me a clip of the Mac mess has done.

"Ahh (hesitant ) about that we are failed to find him .",

"What !! Are you out of your mind , mark my word you won't get a little penny from if you don't get the job done ."

"Yes yes don't worry madam , he is already drug we just need to find him it won't take long , ha ha ha .

"You better solve this message quickly."

Other side of the call hang up.

"Old hag the man cursed before walking out from there .


Nan stepped into the elevator and began his ascent to his floor. A few seconds later, the doors slid open, and he stepped out into the hallway, heading back to his room.

"In Nan's POV...

I started heading towards my room, feeling a sudden pain as if someone had touched my sensitive area. Looking down, I saw a little slender man on my arm trying to suck my right nipple through my shirt. However, my nipple was hidden under my shirt, making it difficult for him to access.

A sudden heartbeat pounded in my chest as I watched the little man's seductive tactics. His beautiful heart-shaped lips parted, attempting to take my nipple into his mouth. 'Umm... why won't it go inside my mouth?' he whispered his frustration , making my heart race.

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