Season 1 Episode 5: Not so famous

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. The Killer Bass finally dodged their pathetic losing streak against the Screaming Gophers. There were bruises, tears, risky moves, and dangerous alliances.

The camera flashes through different scenes of the dodgeball match with the Killer Bass beating the Gophers with their strategies and cleverness, with the Gophers being left in the dust.

Chris: And in the end, it was Noah, the know-it-all, who didn't see it coming.

The scene changes to show Noah shocked by his elimination, as he walks away from the campfire ceremony.

Chris: This week, another challenge will send one more camper on a cruise to loserville, population...four. Who will sink and who will stay afloat? Find out right now on Total Drama Island!

(Watch Opening)


The opening ends to show the Gophers cabin as Gwen is woken up to the sound of Lindsay sitting on her bunk with a bunch of products laid out on her bunk.

Lindsay: Okay, this is so...way...beyond, bad. I'm out of fake tanner, already.

Gwen: Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Now I have to actually like suntan, in the sun. Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?

As Lindsay went on, Gwen sat up with a minor case of bedhead. She pulled out a handheld mirror as she tried to pat her hair down as Lindsay walked over still in her conversation.

 She pulled out a handheld mirror as she tried to pat her hair down as Lindsay walked over still in her conversation

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Lindsay: Oh, you totally do...

Suddenly the loudspeakers went off as Chris's voice is heard echoing throughout the camp.

Chris: All right, campers, enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of.

Inside the boy's side of the Gophers cabin, Jonathan is seen crafting something as he hears the loudspeaker.


Jonathan is sitting in the confessional, still tinkering with his tools as he was building something.

Jonathan: I still feel a bit bad about what happened last time. Noah was a smart guy, but he wasn't a team player. My dad had a worker like that who didn't do squat around the construction sites, yet got on everyone else's backs. Dad gave him a choice, walk out and find another job or send him out on a stretcher.

Jonathan chuckled before he looked back at the camera.

Jonathan: My dad hates hypocrites.


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