Season 1 Episode 10: If You Can't Take The Heat...

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island.
Our competitors became hunters and the hunted. Owen's game was way off and when he finally caught wind of his prey, he totally blew it. And Cody got lucky he had a big friend watching his back, as Jonathan wrestled a bear to avoid any harm to befall his teammate.

Flashbacks are shown, showing various scenes of the previous challenge with Owen's attempts of hunting the campers, while Jonathan saves Cody from being mauled by the bear.

Chris: In a weird and strangely watchable twist, Leshawna, Lindsay, Beth, and Heather turn their paintball guns on each other. It was a full on wrestle for dominance within the females of the Gopher squad. And the Gophers were sent to the bonfire. In the end, however, it was Beth who got the shot. But not before giving Heather a little cursed gift before her send off.

Another scene shows Beth leaving the island as well as he smashing up the cursed idol and mixing it with Heather's lotion.

Chris: The gophers are still the underdogs. Can they bounce back, or is their goose finally cooked? Find out tonight on total drama island.

(Watch Opening)


It was a peaceful morning at the camp as the contestants were still asleep. In the Bass cabin, the guys were sleeping soundly as Duncan wakes up with a stretch before hopping down off of his bunk as he starts to do a few push-ups.

As he did a few push-ups, Duncan smells something "off" before he opens his eyes to see an unwelcoming sight of a pair of underwear right below him that had disgustingly odd brown smear on the back of it. Causing Duncan to quickly get out of his push-up position and fall back.

Duncan: Ahh!!

This caused the others to wake up as Geoff and DJ chuckle while Duncan glares at Harold

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This caused the others to wake up as Geoff and DJ chuckle while Duncan glares at Harold.

Duncan: Not cool, Harold man. Not cool!

Harold: Those aren't mine.

Duncan stands up as the other two walk over next to him.

Duncan: Oh, right. You're always leaving your gitch lying around.

Harold: No, I'm not. Gosh.

Geoff: Huh. Yeah, you are, dude.

Harold: You have like, absolutely no proof.

Harold steps out of bed wearing the exact same type of underwear as the ones left on the ground.

Geoff: No one else wears that kind, dude.

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