First meeting

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Surprisingly,bumped into a  stranger . He said -  hello! Miss ,
I'm vinay kumar helping u in the
Ahana's case . Then my junior officer came to me and said ma'am he is the one who get recommended by DGP sir (Director general of police) .
I replied ok now let's go to forensic department for the postmortem report of Ahana.
Sitting in the Jeep on our way , I break the silence and introduced my self :---------
Name :- Arpita singh
Age :- 26 years
Post :- IPS officer
Currently working at Delhi.
Afterwards when I was looking
Outside the window of the Jeep I saw a very strange abandoned house giving different kind of negativity vibes to me . After few minutes we reached the forensic department . Mr. Vinay and my other colleagues were not used to with these kind of smells came from postmortem room. I was used to it because of previous cases. The pathologist tells all the details about Ahana's postmortem which make me surprised as well as tensed.

GUNAH:A horrible case                                        By Lady Drusilla Where stories live. Discover now