New twist.......

4 2 2

After 2 days of investigation we get nothing. Then we got a call from station about the girl who was kidnapped (Anisha). We headed toward the location where we got to know about the dead body. We send the body for the postmortem and yeah she killed in the same manner like other two.

2 hours later :--
I reached my home . I saw miss Soumya and kiya there chatting with my parents. When they saw me they asked about the case . I told about anisha.they were so scared then suddenly Kiya said--
Just leave us....(Beggingly)

*I was totally shocked*
I replied -wha..what are u talking about???
She said - stop acting like we don't know that u are the one who is doing all these things..
You are the murderer who is trying to pretend like a ideal younger sister.

I replied in disbelief -- are u okey ?? U all are getting me wrong..why would I do this to my sister??

Soumya said- stop fooling us ..

Then my mom said - soumya she's her sister. How could u say that without any proof .

Kiya said - oo yes , proof just answer in yes /No ..Arpita.
1) don't u ever try to hurt your sister(Mahira)?

I replied - yes .but........

Soumya said - no excuse.
Then she asked didn't you throw that sharp knife towards her and afterward u aim your gun to her that night because vihan love Mahira not u.

I replied - yes but I was just angry that time I didn't mean to hurt her intentionally (talking while crying).
Then suddenly my mum hold my hand and dragged me out from the house and said - never show your face to us again and closed the gate on my face.
           * raining heavily*
I was walking on road while crying.then I suddenly came infront of a car but luckily nothing happened. Then I called
Vinay .so he came to pick me up .
            TO BE CONTINUE....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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GUNAH:A horrible case                                        By Lady Drusilla Where stories live. Discover now