That postmortem report

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The pathologist and I was talking about the case. She tells that Ahana was raped as well as tortured so brutally. Her hair were torn away so badly .her body had so many scars which were caused due to continuously
Beaten up by  hammer .but the most thrilling part was her private part was nearly dissolved by acids as well as her breast were cutted of (they were missing, making the case more brutal) by listening these details from the pathologist I was so disgusted. After receiving the postmortem report we took our leave.on my way I was thinking about these things and also feeling uneasy. Sometimes later I suddenly stopped the car near that abandoned house. I just puked.
Vinay offered me a bottle of water .I tooked that bottle and washed my face.then again we start our journey to police station.

GUNAH:A horrible case                                        By Lady Drusilla Where stories live. Discover now