Chapter 37

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Naomi pov

Its been an hour sense the boys left and we been watching the kids play in the inside pool

Yes they all know how to swim to so we have nothing to worry about

I wore a peach colar bikini with white poka dots on it my peach sandles and i had pulled on a pair of white short shorts

Brea wore a plain bkack bikini but the top half had had white patterns on it ,she wore a see through bikini cover over it

Dally wore a bikini similar to mine except her bikini was white with with peach colar strips and she wore a white silk robe that matched her bathing suit

"I wonder what they did to smoke" dally said sipping her smoothy

"Ion know but if i could guess he getting his ass beat"brea said with a scoff as we sat and the end of the pool with our feet hanging in

"Mhmmmm"i.said and we bursted out in laughter

Donte pov

Before i could stop him He punched smoke in his face and smoke tackled him to the ground and they went to rolling until smoke was left on the ground and let me tell u snoke was getting his ass beat

I pulled North off smoke who quickly stood with a busted lip.and a scratch on his eye brow and glarred at me

He dont want nun of this

"The fuck u looking at like that bruh,u need to chill"i said letting Milki Hold North who was shooting daggers at smoke

"WHAT YIU GINE CHOOSE HIM OVER ME ,THATS JUST GREAT I.CANT BELIEVE THIS SHIT ALL OVER SOME HOE THAT I YELLED AT OVA THE PHONE ..SHE NEED TO STAY OUT PEOPLE BUSINESS "he said with a smirk like he won something but all he got was a ass whooping cause before i knew it i punched him then picked him up and slammed him on the glass table he coughed up some blood and i looked down at him

"You got me fucked up bout mines boi "i said and milki pushed him off the table and grabbed him by his shirt

"Next time it won't be so.easy ,you lucky i ain't get on yo ass"he stated then slammed smoke against the wall and let him fall face first on the floor

"Leggo before i tare his shit up"Milki said and walked out pushing me and north out the door

Donte pov

We pulled up at the house and i got out heated as hell still wanting to go back to a certain nigga's house that i want say the name of

Ok so here it is when i tend to get mad i dont like being around other people except Naomi so she better be ready to stay in bed in my arms for the rest of the day or how eva long im mad

"We home"Milki yelled,we had dropped jacob off before going over to smoke's house and he said he would be back later on

I walked twards the back of the house and went into a room with the door cracked open and i could here screaming and laughing

"Shhhhh"i told North and milki as i put my ear to the door

"No "some body yelled

"Yall dont play like that"brea said sounding like she was finna laugh

"What !!"Naomi yelled

"Nothing ,no no no"

There was the sound of running


And then there was a splash

"Oh ima whoop yo ass"naomi yelled and the room was filled with laughter

"Not if donte dont whoop yo ass"brea said and Dally busted out laughing

"What u mean "

"Girl u know when he get mad he tends to take you away from every body until he aint mad no nore and u love it"

"True but i wanna see how north act"Dally said and this time Naomi laughed

"Stop saying that"brea whinned

"Gurl u kniw u like him"dally said

"She dont just like him ,she eye rapeing the nigga "Naomi said

"Auntie can i get a juice"jake said

"Yeah"foot steps could be heard coming to the door and before i could move the door flew opend and i fell right on top of Naomi but we didn't hit the ground we went right unto the pool

I gripped her waist and pushed through the surface of the pull with Naomi clinging to me as we gasped for air

"What the hell were u doing out side of the door"she asked as i pished the hair out of her face and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and i swimmed to the edge of the pool and held.on to it as she held unto me

"Eavesdroping its obvious"i said then my thoughts drifted to smoke and i got mad

"Bae"she started

"You already know"i said lifting her out of the pull then getting out my self

"Where yall going" Dally asked

"You already know"brea said but stopped once north pulled her out of the warter

"Mhmmmm"Naomi and dally said but i had left the room

Naomi didn't say anything ,she only layed her head in the crook of my neck and held my close as i stepped into the room and let her go so she could take a shower

North pov

I made it to brea room and pulled her in then shut the door

"Why you make me leave"she asked but i was paceing i just wanted to beat smoke ass

"Cause i need to calm down"i said paceing her room

"Nigga how dumb can u be ,it takes one person to calm some one down"she said with a laugh

I pulled her twards me and instantly calmed down

"In its not ..i need you"i said and she wrapped her arms around my waist

"Then why didn't u just ask "she said pushing me on the bed then layed down next to me but close

"He make me so mad"i said clenching my fist she kissed my cheek

Ok now i can calm down

But he still a trifilin ass nigga

Ok so i need ideas for another kinda book that i want to write ,pretty girl rock 426 can u please give me some advice or im calling u sooo rack yo brain boo

My readers i love yall very much this is my first book so spare with me but if u like it then yayyyyy but if u dont take my book off yo library (strait like that) thats if you dont like it

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