Hunger + Art

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Oh my GOOOOOSHHHH. I feel so hungry, like before it was thirst but now its just absolute hunger, like.. I'll eat anything except brussel sprouts or anything vegatably thats nasty, but i remember when i used to suck my thumb in order to fall asleep and i used to ALWAYS have to have a teddy bear to rub on my nose like the skin in between my nostrils, I don't know why I did it, i did that for a long time too but it was really comfortable at the time.

(A few hours later)

So i finished twilight like 30 minutes ago, I'm watching a normal movie with nothing supernatural and i was scrolling on pinterest because a ad was on and i saw a drawing and it made me want to draw, but i'm awful at it, I can't even draw a stick person right 😭 But I'll try

So I finished the movie, it was fine. But bro, I can't imagine a big wolf without it looking weird and having long legs 😭

I want to rewatch twilight even though i finished yesterday, It's just the wolvesss, they r so big and stuff, likee omg? I want that to be me lol

Okay right now it's 3:00 and I'm about to rewatch twilight even though i finished yesterday, it literally got THE BEST wolves, and they don't call it "transforming" they call it "phasing" so i'm definitely gonna call it that from now on! But that's been it! and this was from yesterday and today, nothing really important so.. BYEEE!


Lunette 🌕

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