chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

As Khushi walked through the door of her home in Laxminagar, she was greeted with a mixture of emotions swirling in the air. Bauji, Garima, and Buaji were seated in the living room, their expressions ranged from anger to concern.

Buaji's eyes were red with tears, and she looked at Khushi with a mix of sadness and frustration. "Do you know what that man has done to you, Khushi? How could he blackmail you into marrying him?"

Garima tried to intervene softly, "Buaji, maybe there was a misunderstanding. Arnav didn't know the full truth about Shyam and Khushi's relationship. He thought he was doing the right thing for his sister."

Shashi, who had been silently listening, couldn't contain his anger any longer. "I don't care what his reasons were! No man has the right to treat my daughter like this, to force her into a marriage against her will."

Khushi hung her head, feeling a mix of guilt and sorrow for all the pain her family was going through because of Arnav's actions. She knew they were right in their anger, but a part of her couldn't help but understand Arnav's intentions.

"I know what he did was wrong, but there's more to the story than you know," Khushi whispered, her voice barely audible.

Garima came forward, placing a gentle hand on Khushi's shoulder. "We'll get through this, Khushi. We're here for you, no matter what."

Khushi took a deep breath and looked at Buaji with a determined expression, "Buaji, I know it's hard to see now, but Arnav is not the heartless man you think he is. Yes, what he did was wrong, but there were circumstances that led him to make those decisions."

Buaji's eyes narrowed in disbelief, "How can you defend that man, Khushi? He blackmailed you into marriage, he hurt you!"

Khushi held Buaji's gaze and continued, "I know it's difficult to understand, but Arnav is not like this. He's not just a cruel businessman. He has a kind heart, he cares deeply about his family, especially his sister Anjali. He thought he was doing the right thing for her. He may come off as tough and cold on the outside, but deep down, he's a caring and compassionate person."

Garima nodded in agreement,

"I don't know what made you guys feel that arnav is good if you saw my perception then arnav and Shyam are both same..both are bad shadow on my khushi.
And yes.. the reason of my illness is Shyam,he done all this to me..

Khushi's eyes widened in shock at  shashi's revelation about Shyam, "What do you mean,  babuji? Are you saying that Shyam is the one who paralyzed  you?"

Shashi nodded, her eyes filled with tears, "Yes,  as I got know that he is married and lieing to us being bachelor and marrying Khushi.before i could expose him he did this to me."

Buaji wipe her tears and then announce"we bear so much more garima,pack all bags we will Go Lucknow today afternoon bus."

Khushi felt her heart drop to her stomach as Buaji casually dropped the bombshell – they were leaving for Lucknow that very afternoon. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't leave everything behind, including Arnav, who had become such a crucial part of her life.

Trying to reason with her father, Khushi pleaded, " babuji, I can't leave like this.I can't leave Arnav. I can't leave everything behind and go to Lucknow."

But Shashi's eyes darkened with anger as he lashed out, "Arnav has caused you nothing but trouble, Khushi! How can you even think of choosing him over your   father? I know I'm not your own father don't have right on you"

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