Part Seven.A: Clarity (Alastor's POV)

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This is maddening. You buried yourself in pointless work. Anything to refrain from having to leave your tower and see the others around the hotel, especially her. The foreign ache in your chest only throbbed more at the thought of seeing the hurt in her eyes. Reckless fool! How could I allow her to make me feel such emotions? Almost a hundred years of creating my image and some sinner has the ability to destroy me like this - no - of course not...she was never just some sinner...

Slumping over the scattered paperwork across the desk, you bury your head in your claws. Time was non-existent. Has it been hours? Weeks? Months? No, couldn't have been that long since you watched her entire being shatter right in front of you. The pain was too much for it to have been that long. This was supposed to just be a partnership, a power grab...How did I end up like this? The radio tower has been your home since she left. You were far too prideful to go back to your room, too afraid of what would happen the moment you caught a whiff of her perfume that surely lingered in every grain of wood and every fiber of your sheets.

A few soft taps at the door pull you from your tormented mind. Quickly standing from the desk, you straighten your shirt and throw on the same suit jacket you've worn for who knows how long. I must keep up appearances, no one can suspect anything otherwise.

With a shake of your head, you plaster on the usual smile and open the door to see Charlie and Vaggie. "Hey Al! Just wanted to let you know we are about to head up to Heaven for a few hours. Mind keeping an eye on the hotel while we are gone?" Charlie beamed with an excitement that quite contrasted her partner's uncomfortable scowl.

"Of course my dear! Your hotelier has everything covered." you chime with a half-hearted bow. Vaggie steps forward, obviously annoyed, "Don't set anything on fire, don't destroy any more walls, and please for the hundredth time - keep Nifty out of our room. Last time she tried to throw out all my clothes!" You hum in acknowledgement and follow a concerningly bouncy Charlie down to the lobby where, like clockwork, a portal to Heaven opens. "Common Vaggie! Bye everyone!" Charlie hops through the portal, dragging a less than amused Vaggie behind her.

"Sheesh Smiles, you look like -" Angel starts to say before promptly shutting up and going back to his phone after seeing the glare you shoot towards him. Twirling your cane, you walk over to the bar where Husk tentatively pulls out a glass as if silently asking if you wanted a drink. You wave him off, "No need Husker. I have much to do today and need to be of a clear head." Yeah right, like I've managed a clear head at all lately. "Though I am curious, where is our charming little friend? I heard she had fallen ill."

Husk shrugs but Angel is quick to chime in, "Oh Charlie sent her to get some things from town and take them to Lucifer. She'll probably be back long as Lucifer doesn't take up too much of her time - if you know what I mean." Angel mutters the last part seductively with a wink. A fiery rage burns through your veins. How dare he insinuate something so repulsive!? The urge to shred the sinner limb from limb boils over and your eyes flash to him, "It'd be wise to keep such vile comments to yourself spider." you hiss through gritted teeth. A relaxed smile returns as you regain composure and walk away. Without her around, you figure you'll have some time to freely move about the hotel, busying yourself with the usual to-dos.

 Without her around, you figure you'll have some time to freely move about the hotel, busying yourself with the usual to-dos

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