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Name: Brian Briggs

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Likes: video games, robotics, music, cooking, doing the right thing, tucker and jaune, enjoyed killing his opponents, favorite animals - [African bush elephant, Asian elephant, Panda, Red panda, Tiger]

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Likes: video games, robotics, music, cooking, doing the right thing, tucker and jaune, enjoyed killing his opponents, favorite animals - [African bush elephant, Asian elephant, Panda, Red panda, Tiger]

Dislikes: bullying, racism, discrimination, liars, animal abuse, those that look down on him, arrogant people, Team RWBY, Team NPR, Arc Clan, Reds and Blues

Personality: kind-hearted, average smart, helping those in need, agitated when people bully him or animals, going full on berserk on those that only those that betrayed tucker and jaune

Kamen Rider Ibuki Suit

Kamen Rider Ibuki Suit

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Ability Parameters 

Punching Power: 15 t 

Kicking Power: 30 t

Maximum Jump Height: 80 m

Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 2.5 sec

Finisher Power: 37 t

Name: Leonard Briggs (2nd older brother)

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Sex: Male

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