Grimm Attack!

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Chapter #7: Grimm Attack!

Earth Prime Epsilon

Location - USA, California

Brian Briggs and his family were enjoying a peaceful day at home with their new pets when they received a distressing message from the local authorities. Grimm, a race of monsters from RWBY.

That had been thought to only exist in the world of Remnant, were attacking the city. 

Brian: (his thoughts) what the hell!? what are the grimm doing here...!? 

Leonard: (to Br ian) I have no idea what the hell's going on but they're attacking the city!! 

Jaune: I know there are 10 of Beowolf, 11 Beringel and 3 Death Stalker... 

Brian: (to Jaune) right I forgot you're the former member of huntsman team JNPR...

Tucker: then why not to use our Kamen Rider belts to handle this situation..

Brian: well fuck it, it's is our only option..

Brian grabbed his own Kamen Rider belt transformed into Kamen Rider Ibuki Suit.

Jaune grabbed the belt of Kamen Rider Black Knight Suit to transform into Kamen Rider Black Knight Suit.

Tucker grabbed the belt of Kamen Rider Meteor to transform into Kamen Rider Meteor Suit.

The three Kamen Rider rushed into the city to liberate any Grimm that stands in their way.

Jaune/Kamen Rider Black Knight getting out his sword ultimate slash, killing three Beowolf and two Beringel.

Brian/Kamen Rider Ibuki used his agility and speed to dodge the attacks of the remaining Grimm, while Tucker/Kamen Rider Meteor unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks.

Jaune/Kamen Rider Black Knight continued to slash through the Grimm with his sword, his eyes filled with determination and resolve.

As they fought, the family couldn't help but feel grateful for their newfound powers. They knew that they had been given a second chance, and they were determined to use their abilities to protect their loved ones and their world.

As they continued to battle the Grimm, they began to work together as a team. They used their unique abilities to complement each other, creating a formidable force that the Grimm could not hope to defeat.

After several hours of intense fighting, the family had managed to eliminate all of the Grimm in the city.

Brian/Kamen Rider Ibuki: I think that's the last of them, but how in the hell did those grimms actually get into the real world..?

Jaune/Kamen Rider Black Knight: To be honest, I have no idea what the hell's going on...

Tucker/Kamen Rider Meteor: Maybe it's some kind of interdimensional portal or something. We need to figure out what's going on and how to stop it before it happens again.

Leonard: I'll start looking for any information on interdimensional portals or anything that could explain this. In the meantime, we need to make sure the city is safe and secure.

The family began to patrol the city, checking for any signs of Grimm activity. They were determined to protect their loved ones and their world from any further attacks.

As they continued their patrol, they couldn't help but feel grateful for their newfound powers. They knew that they had been given a second chance, and they were determined to use their abilities to protect their loved ones and their world.

As they patrolled the city, they began to see the devastation that the Grimm had caused. Buildings were in ruins, and there were signs of chaos and destruction everywhere.

Brian/Kamen Rider Ibuki: This is terrible. We need to help rebuild the city and make sure that everyone is safe.

Jaune/Kamen Rider Black Knight: I agree. We need to work together to make sure that this never happens again.

As they continued to patrol the city, they noticed a group of people huddled together in a corner. They rushed over to see what was going on.

Tucker/Kamen Rider Meteor: What's going on here?

A woman stepped forward, her eyes filled with fear and desperation.

Woman: Thank goodness you're here. Our children were playing outside when the Grimm attacked. They're still out there somewhere.

Brian/Kamen Rider Ibuki: Don't worry, we'll find them.

The family quickly split up, searching the city for any signs of the missing children. After several hours of searching, they finally found them hiding in a nearby alleyway.

Jaune/Kamen Rider Black Knight: Thank goodness you're safe. Let's get you back to your parents.

As they escorted the children back to their families, they couldn't help but feel grateful for their own peaceful lives. They knew that they had been given a second chance, and they were determined to make the most of it.

Over the next few days, the family worked tirelessly to help rebuild the city and make sure that everyone was safe. They knew that they had been given a second chance, and they were determined to use their abilities to protect their loved ones and their world.

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