Salish's house

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After you got home from Nidals you saw you got a message from Salish




Wanna have a sleepover this friday? I'm staying in Cali for the next few days

Sure! What s the address

Its 45892-

It was Wednesday so the sleepover was in two days, you grabbed your backpack and packed some clothes and all the stuff you'd need, EpiPen hair stuff, makeup Etc. (btw if your wondering you took the week off school)
You set your bag on your vanity, you heard your phone ringing
You grabbed your phone and saw it was Nidal he was face timing you off of Snapchat, you picked up and actually had the camera on your face this time
"Hey Y/N did you just come out of the oven, because your hot" he said, as I cringed and raised a brow
"What do you want?" I said
I could tell he was screen recording cause it said, it was probably for YouTube/tiktok
But I pretended I didn't notice
"Are you free this weekend?" He asked
, I didn't have anything to do then
"Yeah, why?"
"Meet me at the mall on Saturday 3 pm" he said
"Thanks Y/N Byee!" He said hanging up

I sigh and smiled

Time skip to Friday morning
You woke up at six am to get ready for the sleep over at salish's
I walk to my bathroom and washed my face and put on some moisturizer, I then did my makeup with some mascara and lip gloss
And straightened your hair then threw it in a low ponytail and pulled tiny strands of hair out to make it look good, you grabbed your bag and your phone and your AirPods when you heard the doorbell and your mom answered it
It was Jordan, you we're guessing he was here to pick you up
"Hey you must be Y/N!" He said
I nodded and smiled I sat down at the table as he talked to my mom, he then took me outside and I got into his car, in the passenger seat i sat, and went on my phone as I got a text from JiJi,




What're you doing?

Nothing, abt to go for a sleepover at salish's house

Ooh okay I was just wondering what you were doing, have fun!


I set my phone down as Jordan got in the car,
"So Y/N tell me about your life

"Well when I was 10 I moved here, I originally was born in England and raised in Virginia but i moved here, so it's a bit complicated, i started TikTok and YouTube at 12 and I'm here.." I said fiddling with my phone case
"Wow.." he said driving

Time skip to when you got to Salish's
Jordan pulled into their house and you grabbed your bag and phone and hopped out, and walked to the door and opened it slowly, a white dog hopped on your knees and barked wagging its tail
I crouched down to pet it and i heard Salish's voice i looked up,
"That's boomer" she said as I got back up and hugged her, I set my bag down as she dragged me upstairs, to her room, when we walked in I saw Nidal laying on her bed scrolling through TikTok.
"Y/N stay here I'm gonna go get some snacks and drinks so we can watch a movie" Salish said as I nodded and she walked out
Nidal shot up as soon as he heard my name
I look at him and smiled
He grins and pats the spot next to him, I plopped on the bed, next to him, we talked for a moment before Salish came back with all the goodies

we talked and ate snacks when Nidal yelled
"Let's go on the trampoline!" He says jumping off the bed

We went outside and went on the trampoline, Nidal sat on the grass, and watched me and Salish do tricks,
"He Salish watch This.." I said, as I did I double backflip and landed perfectly in a handstand
"Woah Y/N! That was cool!" She said as her and Nidal clapped
We all did tricks and almost killed each other because Nidal kept trying to push me and Salish off the trampoline. Until Nidal had to go home, we said bye to him and me and Salish went inside and did the necessary things to do for bed, brush teeth, brush hair, skincare, etc.
You then stayed up till like 1 am prank calling
Her brother Hudson, and Nidal
The next morning
You woke up to Salish saying adorable stuff to her dog boomer
"Good morning" I said, rubbing my eyes
"Morning" she said
We talk for a few minutes and Salish says
"What if Nidal got hurt?" She said
"Example, he falls off his trampoline and breaks something" she said
"That's definitely something that he'd do" I said, suddenly getting a pit stomach feeling

I hope everything is okay..

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