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Your POV
I wake up, my head was pounding and my arm was sore from falling on it, I remember what happened, I open my eyes fully seeing Nidal sitting in his wheelchair next to my bed, I could tell he was crying at least a little bit because his eyes were puffy and a tiny bit red, he was holding my hand
"Nidal?" I said as he whipped his head around to face me
"Y/N! Your awake...I was so scared" he said
"Why am I in the hospital?" I ask
"You almost got hit by a car then fell onto your arm and fractured it..but you should be able to use your arm in about a week or two..." he says shakily, letting go of my hand when suddenly JiJi and Salish walked in and saw I was awake and ran towards me, leaning down to hug me, I hug them both as Salish and JiJi sat on the couch across from of my hospital bed,
A few hours later after I got a cast on my arm Neshan took me home, when we got to my house i thanked him for the ride and grabbed my phone and got out and closed the door and walked up to my front door and opened it and walked inside, suddenly being hugged by my mom and dad and they both made sure I was okay, I ate dinner and went to my room and laid down, and could not find a comfortable sleep position because of my cast, I decided to just FaceTime Nidal because i couldn't go to sleep anyway so why not, as soon as it started ringing he answered
"Hey what's up?" He says, slightly fixing his hair, I could see he was in his bed in the living room,
"Nothing I'm just bored, what about you?"
I say in response
"Eh I was scrolling through TikTok"
I hum in response
"How you feeling?" I ask
" arm still is sore"
He nods,
"Well I got to go, I'm bouta eat dinner" he says as I nodded and hung up
I finally find I comfortable sleeping position, drifting off to sleep,
I wake up the next morning, my arm felt much better and didn't sting at all I slowly got up and realized I didn't even think to take off my makeup last night, i walked to my bathroom and got some micellar water and cleaned my face and put on some moisturizer and spf on my face, then did my makeup and changed into

And grabbed my phone and AirPods and connected them to my phone and put them in, my parents were already at work so I decided to take a walk even though it was 6 AM on a Sunday, i walked outside and strolled around music playing in my ears, I also...

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And grabbed my phone and AirPods and connected them to my phone and put them in, my parents were already at work so I decided to take a walk even though it was 6 AM on a Sunday, i walked outside and strolled around music playing in my ears, I also decided I was gonna go to Nidals house, I finally made it to their house a few minutes later and literally just walked in, to be greeted by Kratos, I kneeled down to pet him
"Hey!" JiJi said as I got up
"Hey" I said
Me and JiJi went to her room and went on TikTok live together and answered a few questions, such as
"Are Y/N and Nidal dating??"
"Omg I ship Y/N and Nidal!!"
"When are you and Nidal getting married?"
Me and JiJi were laughing our faces off
Me and JiJi did each other hair until JiJi said she was gonna take Kratos on a walk but I chose to stay there, when she left I went and sat on the couch and watched tv for a bit before Nidal rolled through there in his wheelchair
"Hey, when did you come here?" He says
"Like thirty minutes ago, why?" I replied
"Oh okay, where's JiJi?"
"Walking Kratos"
"Oh why didn't you go"
"I didn't feel like it" I said looking at him
He nodded, he noticed I looked a little down and wheeled in front of me
"You know you can tell me if something's wrong..right?" He says
"Yeah I know.." I said fiddling with the remote I had in my hands
"Y/N what's wrong?" He said grabbing one of my hands
"Nothing..just bummed about my arm..I woke be able to do like flips or hand stands or back handsprings or front handsprings for the next week or two.." I said, pulling my hand away from his, causing his hand to land on my knee, but he quickly moved his hand to rest on his knee,
I was lying in bed, and fell asleep

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