Sleepover (1)

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You woke up and looked at your phone and saw it was Saturday. Whoo hoo! Schools out today
You scroll through my notifications and saw a had one missed call from JiJi, you text her saying you'll call her later
It was only 8 in the morning. You got up and changed into a light green crop top and some baggy black cargo pants and some white converses
You went to your bathroom and brushed your teeth and went to the kitchen you saw your parents weren't home, they were probably at work, you grabbed a apple and ate it and went back in your room and put on some concealer mascara hi-lighter and lip gloss, you walked outside and walked to target to get Starbucks and some snacks
You finally got to target and grabbed a basket and got your Starbucks
And got a few snacks, takis lime chips and some gum you paid for it and began walking home, you finally got home and went inside and sat your bag of stuff down and sat your Starbucks on the kitchen counter
You went to your room and grabbed your phone and saw JiJi was face timing you answered
"Hey whatcha doing?" She said
"Hey, nothing, just got home from target" I said, scratching my hair
"Ooo so your free today?" She said
I gave her 'that' look
"It's a Saturday of course I am"
"Do you wanna come over and meet my brother later today??" She asks, considering I've never met him
"Uhm, sure.." I said
"But I gotta go" I said, we both said bye to each other and I touched up my makeup, as it was starting to wash off, I stuck my hair in a low ponytail and pulled it to the side over my shoulder, I grabbed my bag and stuck my epiPen some mascara and lip balm and 2 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans in it, knowing if I went over there I'd probably stay the night
I grabbed my phone and texted my parents I'd be at JiJi's house
I walked out my house to see Mr wonders car outside and he honked and I smile, knowing he was here to pick me up
I walk into the car and buckle my seat belt
"So Miss Y/N how've you been" he asks, beginning to drive
"Good Mr wonder, how about you?" I replied
Time skip oto when you get there bc I'm to lazy😭
You stepped out of the car and saw JiJi running to me hugging me, I hug her back even though we saw each other not even a week ago
I grabbed my bag and we walked inside and she takes me to her room and we laid on her bed and she leaned her head on my shoulder as we scrolled through TikTok and yapped about our life's to each other
"Ooh should I go live?" I asked
"Ya!" She said
"I walked over to her vanity and sat down, propping my phone up on her mirror, I went on the video thing, pressing the LIVE button
Immediately over 1.k people joined and we did a q&a and then I got off live
"Y/NN?? Do you wanna meet Nidal?" JiJi asks me
"Sure.." I said grabbing my phone and standing up
We walked out of JiJi's room and she took me to his room (this is a week or two before his crash btw.)
We walk into his room as I stick my phone into my pocket
Nidal was at his pc playing Fortnite or call of duty or something
"Nidal..this is Y/N, Y/N this is Nidal..I'm gonna go do I don't know what but I'll leave you guys to talk/ get to know each other." She said stepping out of his room
I look at Nidal,
" you probably already know I'm
Y/N.. I'm JiJi's friend- well.. best friend but yeah.." I said picking at my fingers still looking at him,
He smiled
"I'm Nidal.." I shook his hand
Me and him sat on his bed, and talked
"So Y/N. Where you from?" He asks, looking at me
"Well..I was born in England but I was raised in Virginia..I moved here when I was it's complicated.." I said as he nodded
"How old are you?" He asked
"" I said
"13.." he said
I nodded
"It was nice meeting you.." I said
He smiled and nodded
I got up and walked out the door and went back to JiJi
Later that night I was about to go to sleep on the couch, as I was staying the night
I felt something sting my hand I shot up, my eyes opened and I saw a wasp flying away from me, I immediately sat up, feeling my throat burning and itching I began breathing heavily
"You okay?" I heard a voice and I whipped around and saw Nidal
I nodded and got up and walked past him into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and drunk it i walked into the bathroom where my bag was and rummaged through it to find my epiPen but couldn't find it
"No no..where is it.." I found it then I felt my throat tighten as I couldn't breathe and I quickly ran to Nidal
"Nidal! Nidal.." i yell but not loud enough to wake anyone
He whips around
"What what?!" He said
"Help..EpiPen.." my breathes turning into wheezes I drop to the ground
I couldn't breathe
When I felt a sharp pain in my thigh, I realized Nidal had used the EpiPen on me. My throat cleared up, I sat up and slowly stood up, meeting faces with Nidal.
"Thanks..but please don't tell anyone I carry around an one aside from JiJi knows.." I said looking down
"Hey it's okay! At least I knew what to do.." he said walking back to his room
I smile to myself and laid back down

Life's good

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