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One, two. . seriously? ridiculous as it sounds, the raven found himself counting the number of hickeys present on the most obvious spot on his neck. his shoulders slumped as he leaned against the chair with a exhale. " damn, was he trying to eat ya? " he hears hina comment, laughter leaving her afterwards.

slightly tilting his head so she could apply the foundation more better on his neck. " I don't even know. " he says softly, a sheepish smile on his face. " talaga ba? if you ask me, that man's obsessedd. "

TRANSLATION; oh really?

takemichi playfully rolls his eyes at her statement, " whatever you say hina. " recalling the memory of hanma sulking as he had to leave for work a few days ago. when she pulled away, he was amazed at the sight of his now clear neck. " see? all better. " the pink haired whistles, while approaching his small closet.

" next, is your outfit michi." she hums, opening the closet as her eyes roamed for something that'd fit takemichi. a sly smile soon tugged on the corner of her lips, " and I think I just found it. " she mutters.


his finger nails were subconsciously digging into his own skin, pull yourself together. takemichi took a deep breath, before entering the building. the stares of the other bystanders were quite alarming, yet he chose to look around for a certain group. where are they? he pondered to himself, walking around the restaurant further.

his attention soon flickers for a second towards the person who he had brushed into. " sorry. " he mumbles, about to continue searching when a hand grabs his wrist before he could. " woah, talk about presentation. " his eyebrows rises at the person's familiar voice.

turning around―his eyes land on a latter with a regent hairstyle. takemichi immediately smiles in relief, " akkun! " he greets happily. akkun nodded in response, " you look good takemichi. " he says casually, giving the raven an approved expression. " thank you akkun. "

he sighs softly, earning a pat from the male on the back. " TAKEMICHI?? " they both turn towards the yell, finding the other three men sprinting towards them. " a-are you really our michi?? " yamagishi began to circle around him, absurdly dumbstruck. The ravenette chuckled lightly, " I'm sure I don't look that different yama. "

" Nonsense. you look more beautiful. " takuya chimed in, reaching out as he ruffled takemichi's black locs. Astounded, a small tint of pink creeped onto takemichi's cheeks. " you think so? thank you takuya. " he said in awe, returning the kind smile that takuya also had.

Makoto crossed his arms against his chest, " since when did takuya get bold? " he whispered, a hint of shock and disbelief in his tone. Akkun who was beside him could only shrug, continuing to watch the scene unfold Infront of them.

the peach haired exhaled softly, trying to gain composure. " okay, okay. back to the plan. " he called out, with a more serious tone. in result, catching all of their attention.

butterflies were in his stomach. with each step him and the waitress took, he felt like throwing up. as they finally reached the designated area, takemichi noticed there was barely any people in here, compared at the lobby. " miss, sorry to question but, why is this area so empty? " he mumbles, a puzzled expression on his face.

She only smiled down at him, " our client has bought this whole area for the afternoon. " hanagaki only nodded awkwardly, swallowing a gulp as the female waitress left, leaving him alone with his thoughts. clearly whoever his date was, wanted some privacy.

that didn't reassure our raven at all. " ano gagawin ko. . " he mutters under his breath. as a few minutes pass, he had this sudden urge for the washroom. maybe that twisting feeling in his stomach overcame him. rising up from the table, he went to find the restroom.

TRANSLATION; what to do..

relief fills takemichi's chest as he makes way towards the public washrooms. hopefully, this whole thing wont turn south. then it hits him, the smell of cigarettes. his eyes narrow at a middle aged man in a suit, who was smoking near the entrances.

he dismissed this, not wanting to make a scene. before he could go inside, he was abruptly pulled back.
" you alone baby? " the stranger asked, takemichi could see their eyes shamelessly eyeing him up and down.

he immediately tried to get away from the man's grasp," please let go."
he grumbled, with a stern tone at the same time he glared. the male only scoffed at response, " playing hard to get huh? " he drawls, only tightening the hold he had on takemichi's wrist.

please. just let me leave― " there you are, bunny." the ravenette froze at the new voice behind them. he looked over his shoulder, seeing a tall male taking steps forward towards them. " I suggest you let go. " instantly, the stranger backed away. seemingly intimidated. " what? is he your boyfriend? this bitch― before takemichi could process, he gasped as the old man had stumbled onto the ground.

" oops. my hand accidentally moved. " said the purple head, sarcastically smiling. the older man shakily got up, holding onto the bruised part of his face. " y-you bastard! how dare you punch me! " they whisper yelled, " I'll get you back for this! " with a huff, the stranger ran past them.

he made sure the old bastard had actually went away, before turning away. " ha. .tanginang matanda yon. " he finally inhales, his gaze flickering towards the short male next to him. " you're. . ran haitani aren't you? " takemichi mentioned. ran's chilling smile returned, as he observed the ravenette's ocean eyes.

TRANSLATION; fuck that old man.

" you look more prettier in person, hanagaki. "




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