Chapter 6 - Chloe's POV

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I woke up, finally, on Saturday. I thought.

To rest from what this week has been, from all the craziness that happened at school. From all the bombs thrown in my lap, waiting for me to defuse them, and I simply didn't know how to do it. I didn't have the tools or the skills to disarm them, maybe I would let them explode in my lap anyway.

I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door, forcing me to get out of bed and open it, against my will, after all, my idea was to stay lying in bed all day.I opened the door and saw my dad, whom I hadn't seen since Monday morning.

"I hate your job!" I said and hugged him.

"It's good to see you too, honey!" Russ chuckled, lifting me off the ground. "Your mom said things aren't going too well, do you want to talk?"

"She can't keep her tongue in her mouth." I said, entering the room again. "Close the door and sit, the problem is big."

"Wow, I'm not sure I'm prepared for this!" Russell sat on the bed with his legs crossed and I mimicked him. "Wait, before we start, am I going to feel like hitting someone at the end of the story?"

"I believe so, but you won't be able to!" I laughed. "Well, it all starts in Canada."

"Wow, but you came back from Canada a month ago, the story starts three months ago?" I nodded."Just to show you how deep the hole is." I stopped talking and thought. "Actually, the story starts a month before summer vacation."

"My God, I'm going to ask for some popcorn, because I'm going to be here for a while!" we laughed and I gently pushed him.

"Stop being silly. Let me talk!" we stopped laughing, and I took a deep breath. "Well, do you remember Lil's birthday party, and I came back early?"

"Yes, the party where Josh cheated on you?" I nodded.

"Exactly, I was really upset, I didn't go to school for a few days. And I broke up with Josh for good, I didn't want to see him painted in gold in front of me. We decided it would be cool if I spent some time away, and we decided that I would spend the first two months of summer in Canada, volunteering." Russ nodded following the story line. "I went to Canada, and there I had an amazing time. I grew a lot, learned a lot. And I met a very nice and handsome boy, Matt!"

"Oh my God! I don't know if I'm prepared to hear this, my love!" Russell joked and I chuckled weakly.

"Stop, let me tell. Matt and I spent most of the time I was in Canada together, and it was amazing. But Matt's dad is in the military, and he's always moving around, every year he's in a different state. Last year it was Canada, but this year he didn't know where he would go." I took a deep breath. "Well, my time in Canada ended, I went to Florida to visit Grandpa, and I had no contact with Matt anymore, also because there wasn't much reason for it. When classes resumed, I was determined to leave everything behind and experience new things. No drama with Josh and Lilith, no thoughts about the summer crush. Just focusing on my future and what it holds for me."

"You're so much like your mother, she's the one with those speeches about forgetting everything and living what's to come. My God!" we laughed. "Go on!"

"When I got to school, everything was perfect until I entered the first class. I was the last one to arrive in the room, and there was only one seat left for me to sit. And it was next to the most unlikely person to be in the same class as me." I took a deep breath and my dad mimicked me, I smiled at him and received his warm smile back. I love him so much! "It was Matt, dad! His dad was transferred to Georgia, and what are the chances of him coming to Atlanta and ending up in my school, in my class? It's not possible!" I tied my hair into a ponytail and shrugged. "I acted naturally, and so did he. But then he invited me to lunch outside of school, and I accepted. We talked, and he said it wouldn't be a problem if I didn't want to be with him, he understood that we were in a different context and that it wouldn't be a problem. I thought it was nice and mature of him."

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