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A/N: Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that this is not a different story. It is actually my Descendants of Ozma story.......just with a new name and a few changes. The big change being that Sun is not a descendant. Looking back at some of the scenes he's in, it really didn't make sense with him being one. That being said Jaune and Adam are still going to be descendants. Anyway let's get into this.

On the island of Arcadia, lies a small village by the name of Domremy. The village is peaceful, everyone is asleep and the only sound coming from this small place are the night owls flying about. 

However the peace is broken when from the large house at the center of the village a scream is heard.


A desperate plea for help echoes from the bedroom of a young boy, awoken from a horrible nightmare. His blue eyes dart around the room, the shadows from the trees outside now looking more nightmarish. It looked like clawed hides reached out to grab this poor child. 

The boy whimpered and pulled the sheet over himself, shaking profusely hoping that someone, anyone would come and save him.

Slowly the door to his bedroom creaked open, bringing in some light from the corridor into the boy's room and sending the shadows away from him. The young child peaks from his covers and a feeling of hope ignites in him. In the doorway, a beautiful woman stood in her night gown, with a full head of blonde hair flowing past her shoulders. The woman in her late thirties rubs her eyes and yawns, still quite tired from waking up in the middle of the night to tend to her crying child.

She steps into the boy's room and crouches down next to the terrified child, "What is the matter my heart?" She softly whispers as the boy fully comes out from the sheet. The boy with a messy head of blonde hair and blue eyes looks at his mother fearfully. He tries to speak, but is still shaking and sniffling, the woman seeing her boy's distress gentle rubs his small hand as a show of comfort.

The boy then calms down a bit and shakily tells his mother the source of his outburst, "N-Nightmare....." He whimpers.

The mother sighs in understanding, offering a kind smile to her little one, "Oh honey." She says standing up and now sitting at the edge of the bed, she then shuffles closer to her son and wraps a warm hand around the boy and pulls him in closer. "Jaune, sweetheart....there's no need to be afraid. Those nightmares are just your mind playing tricks on you. Your father and I, even your sisters will always be here for you." She reassures him.

But the little boy, now named Jaune is not convinced in the slightest, "B-B-But mommy! The monster wight tere!" The boy lisped pointing at a shadow in the corner of his room. Of course when she followed her son's finger at the corner nothing was there.

"It wight tere mommy! It...It say it going to eat me!" Little Jaune insisted, still having trouble saying some words and properly forming sentences. The young lad crawls onto his mother's lap and she protectively wraps an arm around her sweet little child. The boy is also wearing an adorable blue onesie with a bunny in front.

" little bun bun." The mother whispers as she lies down on the bed, her boy still holding onto her. The woman then raises an arm and grabs the necklace she was wearing, Jaune still scared doesn't notice as he has his face buried in her chest. "Jaune." She gently calls and the little boy looks up to see her holding the necklace, but more importantly the symbol.

It was a yellow crescent moon, little Jaune couldn't help but be mesmerized by that, "This symbol is of our family, of the Arcs." She then takes it off her neck and put it around Jaune's, "As long as you wear this, your family will always be with you......protecting you."

Jaune tilted his head at that, "They....They pwotec me?" He asks.

She giggles at his speech, finding it adorable, "Yes sweetie, they will protect you. After all the Arcs are full of heroes." She says.

The boy's eyes seem to sparkle at that word, his little hands holding the Arc family symbol, "Hewoes......", then gets off his mom and stands on the bed, "I become Hewoe too! Jaune will become Hewoe an save all the peoples!" He declares with a smile, showing off a few missing teeth that have yet to grow.

The mother laughs as she pulls her boy in for a hug, both mother and son laughing now, she then pushes back some of hair and gives a gentle kiss on his forehead, "I know you will dear. You will do great things in the future and make lots of friends."

Jaune then asked a question, "Want tis back mommy?" He said holding the necklace to her face, she smiled at how kind her boy was, "No my's yours now. Once you wear it, your family will always be with you."

Eventually Jaune fell asleep still on top of her, sucking his thumb. She gently and softly played with his hair, "I pray that your future will be full of smiles and happiness little one." She whispered as she too fell asleep.

Completely unaware of the horrors and darkness her baby boy would face in the coming years. At least he would never be alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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