the bar

108 0 1

December the 2
11:09 pm

words= 2006

You were in a all girls rock band called "the scarletts" you were the lead guitarist, your guitar was a ESP v-2 all black an it had a cool skeleton hands around it. You and your band just finished one of your shows and decided to go get a drink, it was you the lead guitarist and the lead vocals pepper, Jess who was the drummer, and Becky as bass.

You all went your seperate ways, Jess and pepper went to the bathroom and me and Becky were sitting down having some drinks together. "Gosh this tour is making me tired and shit" Becky said with a raspy voice, she held her head in her hands. "Yeah... All this walking makes me wanna lay down on a comfortable bed and sleep for hours non-stop" you said with a groan at the end. "Ey I'll be back, am going to the bathroom" you said to Becky as she layed her head down, she was probably going to sleep or something. You went to the bathroom to check up on Jess and pepper, they were smoking and talking about some random things. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you had on a black leather jacket and some flare jeans and some black converse.

(I was inspired by Joan Jett's style so I tried doing something she would wear when she was younger

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(I was inspired by Joan Jett's style so I tried doing something she would wear when she was younger. If you don't like it you could change it if you want)

Y/ns P.O.V

I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a bit sweaty and tired. I decided to fix my makeup, I had on some dark eye shadow under my eyes and some black eye liner. After about 5 minutes of fixing it up I washed my hands and went back to were Becky was so she was okay cuz am a real one. As I was existing the girls bathroom I bumped into some guy, he had long curly brown hair, a leather jacket and some black jeans and a red shirt. He was around 5'10 or shorter idk.

"Oh am so sorry ma'am" he quickly said, he seemed nervous and quiet. "Ah your fine..." I gave him a small smile, I looked up at him and he looked familiar to me but I didn't know how though. I just walked back to Becky who was still laying her head down, she hasn't even touched her beer and she LOVES beer. "Hey if you don't feel good I could go and tell the girls that we should leave now" I looked over to Becky, she but her head up "nah it's fine I'll just rest for a bit, just have fun y/n" she gave me the tired look. I gave her a small nod and she went back to resting.

Kirks P.O.V

Me and the boys wanted to go get a drink from the closest bar around the hotel we were staying in, we were on tour and boy it was hella tiring. We all sat in a both that was close to the bathroom, I was drinking some beer and looking down at the table bored until I saw a group of girls entering, they looked familiar to me so I asked james if he knew them "hey james, is it me or do I recognize those girls over there" I pointed at the group of girls "oh yeah that's that knew girl band called "the Scarletts""that's when Lars chimed in " oh yeah I met that girl over there earlier today " he pointed at a girl, I looked over to the girl he was pointing at. She had y/h/l y/h/c, she was wearing a black leather jacket and some flare jeans and a white and black tank top. As soon as I looked at her I couldn't stop looking, she looked amazing with her dark makeup and her beautiful y/h/c.

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