1 year anniversary

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September 18 1987
7:30 pm

Today was me and kirks 1 year anniversary and it was a pretty shitty day to be honest. First some jack ass tried flirting with me and then I get kicked out of the bar because some random ass lady wanted to get in a fight with me for no reason?!

And of course it was raining hella hard and I got socking wet from it, but the worst of them all is that kirk isn't even here to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!!!!!
He was to busy on tour to be celebrating with me , but he looked really sad when he told me like so sad he looked like he wanted to cry. (My poor baby 😭)

I entered my home socking wet from the rain, everything was dark and quite like how I left it. I walked into the kitchen to see some roses on the table and a small black box. I walked over to the stuff and immediately saw a note that had my name on it, it said

"hi my beautiful y/n, am deeply sorry I had to leave for my tour and I know I promised to spend the whole day with you but I just had to go so please please forgive me.
Xoxo, your beautiful kirk ᰔᩚ"

I felt sad that he wasn't here right now but I understand that he's to busy on tour but it's just so frustrating that he couldn't be here with me for such a special day. I but the note down and looked over to the black box that was next to the roses.

I inspected it closely, it looked experience because of the texture and how it looked. I opened it and saw a light silver ring that had some small diamonds around it and I big diamond in the middle that was a light purple.

(Something like this 😘)

I quickly realized it was a wedding ring, I gasped loudly and quickly but it on. I had a huge smile on my face but it quickly turned into a frown because kirk wasn't here. I heard a noise and I quickly turned around and saw kirk with his signature cute toothy smile that would make you die.

"What ,what's the matter I thought you would like it?" He teased. I started to cry a bit whitch caused him to quickly walked up to you with a worried expression "what's wrong? You don't like it?" He started to panic a bit because he was scared you would say no to him.

I smiled a bit and wiped my tears away and hugged him tightly "I love it" I smiled, I could hear his heart beat rapidly.
I felt his hands wrap around my waist "thank god..." He took a deep breath and calmed down a bit.

I  looked up at him and gave him a kiss in the cheek. He was caught off guard but quickly recovered and kissed you softly but passionately. He pulled away and gave you that toothy smile you love

"Stop that..." I frowned a bit, he raised a brow "huh?" "Stop smiling like that or else I'll die" I gave him a small smile, he continued smiling down at me "god I love you so much"
I looked into his songs brown puppy eyes "I love you 1000".

God I really love this idiot.


Sorry if this seemed rushed because it was 😝, but I hope you guys liked it. Oh and send me any suggestions cuz idk what else to write😭

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