when we met

44 0 0

May 5th

Today was one of those usual days, people making out in the halls, some were getting in fights with each other. I hated those kind of days, I hated when couples would make out in the halls, I hated when people were loud and annoying. I liked it when it was quite, calm, and not having to push people out of the ways.

As I was walking to my locker I saw some stupid couple making out in front of my locker, it was a disgusting site to be honest. As I was trying hard not to hurl I tried my best to tell them to move but they were to busy eating each others faces.

"Um...excuse me..." I muttered, I was always quite. I hated having to talk to people, I had pretty bad anxiety. I continued trying to tell them to move but they wouldn't budge "EXCUSE ME" I said louder now, that definitely got there attention "hey what's your problem" the girl said, her hair was messy and her lip stick was messy.

"My problem is that you too are busy eating each other's faces in front of my locker" I narrowed my eyes. "Okay chill dude" the guy said, he had his hands around the girls waist. They walked away to the bathroom.

"Thank you... Bitch..." I muttered the last part but I think they still heard me, I didn't care to be honest. I went to my locker and got one of my favorite comics, i loved horror and gore stuff. I closed my locker and walked threw the stairs. I was walking to my favorite spot, behind the bleachers. I liked it there because it was quite and nobody ever went there except some couples to make out.

As I was walking to my favorite spot I noticed a guy, he looked to be around 5'8 or 9 I guess, he had shoulder length curly hair that was kinda messy, he had some round glasses on and he was reading a comic, it was the same one that I was reading. He noticed me "oh...um.. Can I help you?"

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"Um... Yeah... This is my spot" it was kinda awkward a bit "oh sorry I didn't know... I'll just leave" he started to walk away, he walked passed you. Before he could leave you quickly stopped him "oh um it's fine, you can stay if you won't I don't mind at all" he looked over to you with a small smile "really?" He said softly "yeah of course, it's a big place why would I want it all to myself?" He chuckled after you said that.

He walked back to were he was sitting "so... What's your name?" He looked down at you "oh am y/n" I but a hand out so he can shake "nice name, am Kirk" he shook your hand "Im guessing you also like horror stuff" he pointed at the comic you were reading.

"Oh yeah I do" you looked over to the comic, you noticed he was reading the same comic "oh am reading that one too" you showed him the comic, you were reading, he smiled "that's nice" he looked at the book "what part are you in?" He raised a brow "oh am in the part were like the girl gets cut in half by the killer" he nodded "oh that part was sick, all the gore was like amazing" he nodded.

"Right" you smiled, you were actually having fun "some comics have like gore but just not enough like this comic" he nodded in agreement "yeah like it has so much details and stuff" he smiled revealing his crooked teeth that made him 10x cuter, he took his glasses if and cleaned them with his shirt.

He was wearing a black Sabbath shirt "nice shirt" you pointed at his shirt, he looked back at you with his same cute smile "I like yours too" you were wearing a Jimi Hendrix shirt and some baggy pants "you listen to Hendrix?" You raised a brow "hell yeah, he's amazing like he's my idol" he chuckled causing you to laugh along with him. He was really cute.

"How come we've never met before?" You asked "oh am actually new to this school,ive only been here for a week" he leaned against the wall. "Ohhhh okay" he smiled at your reaction "hey um I just bought this scary movie and I was wondering...do you maybe wanna come over and watch it with me?" He questioned

"Oh yeah sure, I have nothing else to do so yeah" you smiled, we gave each other our phone numbers.

And that how me and Kirk first met.

(Sorry if it seemed rushed because it was, and j was doing this at school so yeah. Hoped yall liked it😘)

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