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I take a last glance of myself in the mirror and leave  my room to join my family downstairs.
'Good Morning', I wish my family who were already seated on the dining table and eating their breakfast.
'You're off to work?', my dad questions me while still chewing the bread in his mouth.
'Yes papa ofcourse, someone has to because you decided to retire', I say with cockiness in my voice and then give him my most innocent smile.
'Well, I am getting old son and then I trust you so much with business', he said.

My father passed on his post of the CEO to me last year for which I was definitely not ready but I still managed to get through and now I guess I am pretty stable with it.

I am 29 years old turning 30 in August which is 3 months from now, so, the marriage pressure is right on my head. Every week there's a proposal waiting for my approval but the girls who send it they never attract me. Love is something I never had or wished for.

'Good Morning sir', I hear everyone wishing me as I enter the building and make my way towards my office. 'Morning Ritika', I reply to her.

Ritika Mishra has been my personal assistant the moment I stepped up as the CEO and to be honest she's really good at her job, she knows her limits unlike my few female employees who are always wanting to be in the same room as me.

'Have you found any apartment which is nearer to the office building and fulfills the requirements?', I ask her as I flip through the pages of the file in front of me.
'Yes Sir, I did but that's the only one which is the closest', she replied.
'Which one?'
'It's in RAWA BLOCK-F Lajpat Nagar, it costs about-,'
'You know we do not worry about costs', I say to her and ask her to leave.

Although I already lived in Delhi, the distance from my house to the office building is quite a lot due to which I have to wake really early and waking up early is clearly not my THING.
So, now I'll be living in an apartment which is near to the Singhs and Co. and I can happily wake up late in the morning.

The Singhs and Co. was founded in early 2000s by my father. According to him and a lot of other people we have the most alluring home decor which can make any house look much more aesthetically pleasing.

'Sir, I think you should come now, everyone is ready for the meeting', Ritika said her head peeping from the door.

Just as I entered the conference hall the constant chattering of the people there stopped and everyone stood without making the screeching noise of the chairs but this one man always has to get on my nerves.

'Mr. Rajput I remember telling you not to make that unpleasant sound', I tell him as he stared back at me with those stupid eyes of his.
'I guess I forgot', he replied with a smirk on his face and I felt a sudden need to wipe that off.
'If you do that again-,' I did not get to complete my sentence because that asshole decided to cut it.
'-you won't be here to say sorry again', I completed my sentence.

I don't give a shit if it's childish to find the screeching sound of chairs annoying cause they're intolerable to me.

As the meeting ends, I decide to leave and visit the apartment which Ritika told me about.

'It's nice but I would like you to change the colour of the walls', I told the man who was showing me around.
'Sure sir, which colour would you like?,' he asked me while writing everything down in a small notebook.

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