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One surprise, to another. After our date, his mom surprised him again with tickets back to Korea. He was so happy since he missed his friends, and me, of course. Now, we are currently packing his things, getting ready for our flight.

"Wouldn't you miss your relatives here?" I asked, while folding his clothes. "I will, but I also miss my friends there, besides, I already spent 2 months here" I stopped folding his clothes and went closer to me, he held my hand, slowly caressing it "I also missed you"

I smiled and held his right cheek " I missed you more, you have no idea how many times I bragged Jungwon about how much I miss you" I chuckled.

"Well, you don't have to anymore, because I'm going home with you, to you" He cupped my cheeks and slowly leaned in. I closed my eyes, waiting for him.

"Are you done pack-- Okay you're not done yet" I pushed Ni-ki when I heard Misola opened the door but also immediately closed it. I looked at the door, then to Ni-ki, that is on the floor, clutching his chest, probably because of how hard I pushed him.

"I'm sorry! Did I pushed you too hard?" I held his arms, making him sit on the bed "it's fine..." He said, groaning. Clearly not fine..

"You shouldn't do that here, this is your house, any of your family members could walk in any moment" I sighed. He laughed at my problematic face.

"Says the one who was waiting?" I slapped his chest and glared at him. I stood up and left the room, I could still hear his laugh from outside. This kid..

I saw Misola at the kitchen, watching something on her phone while eating an apple. I cleared my throat and approached her. She looked at me and I clearly saw how she gulped nervously.

"I didn't see anything, I swear" She let go of her apple and phone then put her hands up the air. I chuckled at her behavior.

"Please forget that you saw anything" She smiled and nodded. We talked for a few minutes before we heard Ni-ki calling out for me.

"You're getting along pretty well, huh?" He said as he approached us. He sat beside me and leaned his head on my shoulder, which I pushed off. He pouted while Sola laughed at her brother's behavior. 

"We met way back before the dinner y'know, of course we're getting along well, right Uno oppa?" She smiled at me and winked. I chuckled and winked back. Ni-ki stared at us with his eyes widened. 

"Uno? Uno oppa? excuse me, what?" I shook my head as the siblings fought because of me, arguing about who's my real favorite. I left them in the kitchen and headed to the living room.

"Sorry about them, they're always like that" Konon appeared from her bedroom and sat beside me on the couch. We chatted for a bit before Ni-ki's mom gathered us all to eat.

We all ate with happiness surrounding us. I watched as Ni-ki's family laughed while eating, they all look so happy, so peaceful, the whole family was close to each other. A smile plastered on my face while watching them, I felt Ni-ki's hand holding mine under the table as he look at me, smilling. I intertwined our fingers and caressed his hand " Welcome to the Family " He whispered. 

I felt my heart flutter at his words. The thought of me being part of his family makes me so happy, I feel so welcome. I hope one day, I can introduce Ni-ki to my family and make him feel welcome. Someday..

[ ~~~~~~~~~~ ]

I had such a great time staying at Ni-ki's house with his family, although I didn't stay that long, it was very memorable. Me and Ni-ki are already back in Korea, and he suggested that we should go out. 

Today, it was just gonna be me and Ni-ki. We went out and enjoyed ourselves, we missed each other so much. Cinema, arcade, we even visited the pet shop, we we're having the time for ourselves. 

As the sun was starting to set, we settled at the park, eating ice cream, holding hands, while watching the sun slowly going down.

Silence engulfed us, no words exchanged, just feeling each others presence. Until I spoke.

"Ni-ki, do you know the reason why I didn't noticed you had feelings for me before?"

"Because you only see me as a friend?" 

"No, because I dismissed the idea of you liking me. You know why? because I didn't want to lose you, you we're there for me since day one, I was so afraid of losing you that even though I notice your small glances, the way you act, and the way you treat is me special and different from the others. Even the times when I meet new friends and you would glare at them, I would think your jealous, but I always dismissed those thought because it was too risky... "

Ni-ki tightened his hold on my hand and nodded, gesturing me to continue.

"I tried to distract my self, I tried liking other people, or at least I tried liking them, because no matter what I do, my thoughts always find its way to think about you. Maybe.. maybe I also liked you since 8 years ago, but I was a coward, I couldn't even face my feelings for you, or even show it to you, maybe if I did, we would be dating for years now.." I took a deep breath as I finished my confession. 

Ni-ki held my cheek and made me look at him.

"Maybe you didn't noticed, but the way you treat me is also special from the others, that's what I thought. And thank you for telling me this, but it doesn't matter if we just started dating recently, all those years that I spent with you is so much worth it. Every day, I get to know a thing or two about you, and that would help us to strengthen our relationship even more" 

I was already crying, how could he be so understanding? 

"Every second that I spend with you is worth it, even back then when we're still not dating. Don't ever think about regretting not confessing to me way back, okay? we have all the time in the world, because I will never leave you, ever. "

I hugged him as I continue to cry on his shoulders. He always find the right words to tell me that everything is okay, everything will be okay. Seriously, how does he do that? How did I get so lucky? 

Even back then he always treat me so special, I'm so lucky to have someone like him. I can never imagine a life without Ni-ki now. 

"You know, I was content of what we had, as long as you were with me and I can make you happy. But now, I couldn't ask for more" He pressed his forehead against mine. 

"Mhm, I love you Ni-ki, no matter what"

"What if I didn't confess to you? would you still love me?"

"I will, I'd love you, From afar "

"Why from afar? come closer" I chuckled at his response. 

"Whether it's from afar, or closer, I'd still love you" 

"I love you more, My sunshine. Whether from up close, or From afar "

The End

A/N: "From afar" Done! AAAAAA IT'S FINALLY THE END GUYSSS!! Sorry for disappearing for too long T^T but yeah, that's a wrap for this story, I hoped you liked it! Not much of angst because this is my first story after all hehe, please do vote and hoped you enjoyed reading From afar! Lovelotss<33

See you!~

From Afar [ SunKi ]Where stories live. Discover now